Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Mass. GOP Lt. Governor candidate Tisei gives interview to homosexual magazine -- pushing gay agenda

Talks about pushing for Transgender Rights Bill, fighting the marriage amendment, and more

POSTED: May 12, 2010

Is it possible for the Mass. Republican Party to get any further left on pro-family issues?

State Sen. Richard Tisei, the Massachusetts Republican Party's candidate for Lt. Governor, has done an interview for the upcoming issue of Boston Spirit magazine, an "upscale" yet hardcore homosexual magazine.

Tisei -- who publicly "came out" as a homosexual earlier this year -- is unopposed in the primary and was the hand-picked choice by Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker, who is also staunchly pro "gay rights."

"Spirit" Magazine is not shy about pushing the agenda as far as possible.

In the interview, you can get a taste of what life will be like under a Baker-Tisei regime. Tisei talks about his "domestic partner" (whom he hasn't "married" yet) and his efforts to get the Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill passed. He also discusses how fellow Republicans were instrumental in defeating the Marriage Amendment in Massachusetts.

From the article:

Throughout the political firestorm, Tisei has stood firm in support of trans equality. As he explained, "It's unfortunate that a lot of people don't understand the issue," he said. "If you let people know, that this is an anti-discrimination bill," crafted "to make sure people don't lose their jobs over who they are -- or [lose] their housing -- most people in Massachusetts" will get it, Tisei explained.

Yet, some people's fears need to be allayed. Don't forget, he recalls, "It took a long time to get marriage and to bring that whole debate" forward.

"Even the best bills take a long time." Like marriage equality, transgender rights are about "discrimination and how we treat our fellow citizens," according to Tisei. "And nobody wants to be in favor of discrimination."

. . . During the 45-minute interview, which took place in late January, Tisei discussed the important role state GOP lawmakers played in the triumph of marriage equality here in Massachusetts. "The margin of victory was provided by Republicans," he said, referring to four GOP state senators who voted to block the citizen-initiated ballot question, which if passed, would have rolled back the Supreme Judicial Court's historic 2003 Goodridge decision.

Read the entire interview HERE.

Massachusetts is probably the only place in America where major statewide GOP candidates campaign by appearing in homosexual magazines and pushing transgender "rights." We'll see in November how well that strategy works.