Charlie Baker & Richard Tisei: a pro-family nightmare
Mass. Republican candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor would be liberal Democrats anywhere else
POSTED: Aug 4, 2010
The Massachusetts Republican Party establishment has selected Charlie Baker and Richard Tisei as candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor. Baker and Tisei are arguably among the most radical anti-family Republican party-endorsed Governor or Lt. Governor candidates ever in Massachusetts - or of any state in America.
How bad are they? Off the charts. In any other state they would be left-wing Democrats.
Charlie Baker - Republican candidate for Governor
- Gay marriage. Strongly supports same-sex "marriage". Often brings up his gay brother who is "married" to another man.
- Gay pride. Marched in 2010 Boston Gay Pride Parade, which also included transvestites, sado-masochism groups, and numerous other depravities.
- Gay anti-family hatred. In gay parade Baker marched with extremely hateful anti-family homosexual "KnowThyNeighbor" activists who were also campaigning for Baker. (They published the names of all who signed the VoteOnMarriage referendum petition.) See more on that here.
- Abortion. Supports abortion. States bluntly, "I'm Pro-Choice. I support a woman's right to choose."
- Left of Obama! Told the Boston Globe that he is "to the left of Obama" on social issues.
- Gun control. Has stated that he supports tough gun control laws.
- Transgender agenda. While Baker was CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care the company had a policy of supporting "gender identity or expression." In 2008 Harvard Pilgrim scored a perfect 100% from the national homosexual group Human Rights Campaign for its employment policies. (This means it even paid for employees' "sex-change" procedures!)
- Homosexual agenda targeting children. While Baker was CEO, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation sponsored the 2005 GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) Conference, pushing homosexuality on schoolchildren -- the same event where the infamous Little Black Book was given out. Also at the time, Kevin Jennings (now Obama's "Safe Schools czar") was still running GLSEN.
- Gambling. Supports expanded gambling in Massachusetts.
- Big Dig boondoggle. Baker was Gov. Bill Weld's budget chief during the expansion of the "Big Dig" -- the most expensive public works project in history.
- Prop 2 1/2 override. Supported prop 2 1/2 property tax override in his town, and was major donor for override effort.
- Quinn Bill. Supports the Quinn Bill, a gift to by the Legislature to the police unions, seen as a fiscal money pit by many conservatives.
- Fiscal responsibililty? For the last ten years Baker has made millions as head of Harvard Pilgrim, as premiums went up by several times the rate of inflation.
Richard Tisei - Republican candidate for Lt. Governor
- Gay activist. Recently "came out" as a homosexual. Proudly embraces the homosexual lifestyle and pushes its agenda in Legislature.
- Gay marriage. Supports same-sex "marriage". Voted NOT to let the people vote on Marriage Amendment.
- Fifth columnist. Bragged in homosexual magazine that "The margin of victory was provided by Republicans" in effort to deny vote on Marriage Amendment. Actively working to move the Republican party leftward.
- Gay propaganda. Appears in an aggressive pro-homosexual "marriage" propaganda video produced by the homosexual lobby. Includes a number of questionable (i.e., phony) statistics.
- Transgender bill. Co-sponsor of radical Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill (H1728).
- Abortion. Strongly supports abortion. Rated 100% by NARAL and 100% by Planned Parenthood.
- Buffer zone. Co-sponsored the expanded buffer zone bill around abortion clinics.
- Hostile to religious faith. Co-sponsored the "emergency contraception bill" that was vetoed by Gov. Mitt Romney because it would force Catholic hospital workers to act against their faith.
- High taxes. Voted against several bills to reduce taxes, earning him the wrath of Citizens for Limited Taxation. Tisei was the only Senate Republican who voted against the tax rollback in May 2000.
Baker and Tisei are not only extremely liberal on these issues, but arrogantly so. Their hostility toward traditional pro-family positions is fairly up-front. This is also a result of the stated direction of the Republican Party, as delineated by Party Chairman Jennifer Nassour on many occasions (including a front-page interview in the hardcore homosexual newspaper Bay Windows) where she stated that the Party is no longer going to be conservative on same-sex "marriage", abortion, and other "social" issues.
The party establishment's hostility toward socially conservative candidates and their favoritism toward liberal ("RINO") Republicans has been unmistakable over the last year.
No problem. These two men were some of Charlie Baker's fellow marchers in the 2010 Boston Gay Pride Parade.