Millions of tax dollars available for homosexual programs in schools in 2011 state budget version passed by Mass. House
Last-minute gift to homosexual lobby by House leadership
POSTED: May 6, 2010
Millions of taxpayer dollars could be made available to hardcore homosexual activists for the purpose of pushing homosexual and transgender programs in the state's public schools as part of the 2011 state budget crafted and passed by the Massachusetts House of Representatives last week! That budget now goes to the Senate for approval.
This would allow the homosexual lobby access to an enormous stream of money to fund their programs such as gay-straight alliance clubs, gay/transgender appreciation days, the Day of Silence, Youth Pride events, homosexual-themed library books, gay assemblies, off-campus homosexual events, and many other activities -- in the full kindergarten-12th grade spectrum.
It's every parent's nightmare, especially at this time when taxes are being raised and thousands of government workers are being laid off.
Your tax money hard at work . . . |

This is a stark comparison to Gov. Deval Patrick's state budget recommendations released earlier this year. Despite being fiercely pro-gay, the Governor included no money for homosexual school programs in his budget.
However, despite a severe budget crisis, House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Murphy (D-Burlington), with the approval of House Speaker Robert DeLeo (D-Winthrop), decided to put this in at the last minute, apparently as a gift to the homosexual lobby since they got practically no money last year and were very angry about that.
Targeting kids. Last year's "Youth Pride Day" featured a "transgender prom" for schoolchildren held at Boston City Hall. Mr. Boston Leather was an official greeter who welcomed every kid who entered the dance floor. He identifies himself as a "leather BDSM fetishist" (bondage discipline & sado-masochism). This is an example of what your Legislature wants to fund again this year. |
Using Education and Public Health budget items
Below are the two budget items passed by the House -- one in the Dept. of Education budget and the other in the Dept. of Public Health budget. They are the same item numbers that the homosexual lobby uses every year as a vehicle to push funding for their programs in schools. But notice this time that it's open-ended -- they can literally funnel millions of dollars, and only an audit of the departments would reveal exactly how much it was. This protects them from public scrutiny.
Also notice that they use the false and misleading terms "safety", "suicide and violence prevention", and "reduction of health disparities." Don't these legislators pay any attention to the things this money really pays for? We certainly show them -- but they don't want to acknowledge it.
And finally, notice that all the money goes through the horrible Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth -- made up of the most radical homosexual and transgender adult activists in the state. Their recent "recommendations" include more gay clubs in middle schools, required homosexual programs in "health" class, and mandated gay diversity training for teachers.
Department of Education:
7010-0005 For the operation of the department of elementary and secondary education; provided, that not later than November 17, 2010, the department shall submit a progress report to the secretary of administration and finance, the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education on efforts by the department to further define and advance the strategic vision of the department, along with a detailed implementation plan for realizing that vision; and provided further, that the department, in collaboration with the commission on gay and lesbian youth established by section 67 of chapter 3 of the General Laws, may allocate funds for programming to ensure public schools' compliance with the board of elementary and secondary education's recommendations which take into account the commission's recommendations, for the support and safety of gay and lesbian students and the implementation of related suicide and violence prevention efforts and reduction of health disparities for GLBT youth"................................. $13,031,114
Department of Public Health:
4590-0250 For school health services and school-based health centers in public and non-public schools; provided, that the department may expend not more than 5 per cent of funds on administrative expenses; provided further, that services shall include, but not be limited to: (a) strengthening the infrastructure of school health services in the areas of personnel and policy development, programming and interdisciplinary collaboration; (b) developing linkages between school health services programs and community health providers; (c) incorporating health education programs, including tobacco prevention and cessation activities in school curricula and in the provision of school based health services; and (d) incorporating obesity prevention programs, including nutrition and wellness programs, in school curricula to address the nutrition and lifestyle habits needed for healthy development; and provided further, that the services shall meet standards and eligibility guidelines established by the department in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education; and provided further, that funding shall be expended to address the recommendations of the commission on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth, established in section 67 of chapter 3 of the General Laws, for the reduction of health disparities for gay, lesbian bisexual and transgendered youth?"............... $11,697,967
Murphy and DeLeo: the usual suspects
It shouldn't surprise anyone that Rep. Charlie Murphy and House Speaker Bob DeLeo should be behind this. Murphy, although an ex-Marine, has become a loyal supporter of the homosexual movement, has been endorsed by major gay lobbying groups, and proudly proclaims his approval of same-sex "marriage". His wife is a schoolteacher, and thus presumably a member of the teachers' union, so that probably adds to the mix. Speaker Bob DeLeo, as everyone knows, has helped raise money for the homosexual lobby on several occasions, and as they brag, his door is open to them.
Last year during the budget debate MassResistance met with Murphy in his office along with a group of his constituents. Murphy was pretty hostile, and seemed annoyed even to have to see us. His constituents really gave him an earful about this issue and he seemed a bit shaken. But apparently it didn't sink in.
A political trick in a tough budget year
Traditionally the homosexual lobby goes for specific earmarked dollar amounts in those two budget items. However, last year that approach backfired because any such specific amounts became targets of scrutiny. As a result, they got no direct money and had to "get" money under the table from other areas.
But this time they are using a very slick strategy of officially connecting their program to a list of other programs all feeding from an enormous pot of money, but in unidentified portions. That way they can get literally millions of dollars but it's relatively untraceable and much easier politically for a legislator to vote for.
Rep. Carl Sciortino (D-Medford) a hardcore homosexual activist, makes his pitch during the House budget debate. But most of the radicals' work was behind the scenes. |
The usual State House sleaze
Here's how it happened: In mid-April, Murphy released the House Ways and Means Committee's version of the budget. That original version did not include the homosexual funding, which would have attracted early attention. But as expected, among the several hundred amendments submitted by House members were two amendments to add the homosexual funding. Then late in the process and after apparently working with the homosexual lobby, Murphy crafted several huge "consolidated amendments" which contained this language and which were blessed by the Speaker and rammed through the House with little or no debate. It was very heavy-handed.
To their credit, the House Republicans complained bitterly about the general sleaziness of that process (tho not of the specific homosexual language) and voted against the budget in a bloc.
Where it goes from here
It now goes to the Senate which may or may not decide to include the same language, although given the extreme pro-gay, pro-transgender position of the Republican Minority Leader Sen. Richard Tisei (R-Wakefield) -- and the fact that Scott Brown is gone -- it will probably face little opposition. However, last year pro-family forces (led by MassResistance) mounted a huge lobbying effort and the language did get killed in time.
We'll be there to fight for you!
If anything, even though this is an election year, the Massachusetts Legislature (and particularly its leadership) is more nasty and anti-family than ever. They are more out of touch than we've ever seen them.