In 2011 state budget: Legislature votes to fund Mass. GLBT Youth Commission with $100,000 from federal Medicaid money.
GLBT Youth Commission also gets access to millions in state tax money!
POSTED: July 13, 2010
In the new 2011 state budget, the Massachusetts Legislature has voted to use $100,000 of federal Medicaid funding for homosexual programs in the public schools. It would give the money directly to the Massachusetts Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth, which works in schools targeting schoolchildren. That budget item (along with others using the federal Medicaid money) has been temporarily vetoed by the Governor pending release of the funds by Congress.
This federal Medicaid money -- known officially as Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) -- is generally used by states to fund portions of their medical or social programs. We know of no other instance where it is given to activists to promote homosexuality in public schools.
Temporarily vetoed by governor because of funding cut. The entire share of FMAP money for Massachusetts was $700 million. But although the FMAP money was expected, it has not been approved by Congress. Thus, Governor Deval Patrick has currently vetoed the all budget items, or parts thereof, using that money. But no fear: Late last week Sen. Scott Brown said he will be introducing a bill to get that funding back.
Also: Commission gets access to millions more!
Probably even more outrageous is that the Legislature also gave the GLBT Commission indirect access to millions of state tax dollars through two other budget items, using state tax money. In addition, other homosexual-related items are also well-funded in the 2011 budget.
The budget items that fund the GLBT Youth Commission:
- ITEM 0950-0500: Uses $100,000 of federal Medicaid money(FMAP) to give directly to the Mass. Commission on GLBT Youth.
- ITEM 4590-0250: Gives the Mass. Commission on GLBT Youth an open-ended share of portion of over $11 million of Dept. of Public Health Department money. They could literally get millions.
- ITEM 7010-0005: Gives the Mass Commission on GLBT Youth an open-ended portion of over $13 million of Dept. of Education money. They could literally get millions.
Other gay-related items in budget:
- ITEM 4513-1130: Gives unspecified homosexual groups an open-ended portion of over $5 million to address "sexual violence and intimate partner violence in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community." The fact that enormous money is now needed for homosexual "partner violence" confirms what most responsible mental health professionals already know about the homosexual lifestyle.
- ITEM 9110-9002: Gives unspecified homosexual groups an open-ended portion of over $8 million for "provider training and outreach for LGBT elders and caregivers." This is one of the goals of the homosexual movement -- to push homosexual diversity training on the elder-care industry.
State budget a financial horror show for rest of state
This funding is a testament to the power of the homosexual lobby on Beacon Hill and the willingness of legislators to give in to their demands. In a budget year where nearly everything is being cut drastically, these are (to our knowledge) the only programs with their funding levels being raised from last year.
The rest of the 2011 statebudget slashes funding pretty much across the board.
As far as we could tell the Mass. GLBT Youth Commission was the only group to actually get a major increase in funding this year. It boggles the mind. |
Here's what the Boston Globe said after the Governor signed the budget -- just a taste of what everyone is saying:
Hundreds of city and town employees are being laid off across Massachusetts as the recently signed state budget forces communities to cut back on librarians, police, teachers, and other workers to balance the books . . .
An informal survey of town governments and school departments in about 25 Greater Boston communities found that because of the leaner state budget signed last week, communities are reducing the time libraries are open, cutting hours for some employees, leaving staff positions unfilled, taking advantage of new tax options such as the meals tax, and even switching to more energy-efficient bulbs in street lights.
Read entire Globe article here "Local aid cuts hit staffing, services" (7/5/10):
How was this engineered?
Interesting, none of this was in Gov. Deval Patrick's 2011 budget recommendations, even though he's arguably the most pro-gay governor in America. Obviously, this funding couldn't have happened without support behind the scenes from the Speaker of the House, Robert DeLeo and the President of the Senate, Therese Murray - both of whom are publicly very close to the homosexual lobby.
But from our vantage point, the funding was ultimately put in by the Ways and Means Chairmen, Sen. Stephen Panagiotakos (D-Lowell) and Rep. Charlie Murphy (D-Bedford). They certainly can't claim they didn't know what they were ultimately funding. We've met personally with both of them. We've shown them the horrible things this money pays for. We (and their constituents) pleaded with them not to fund these things.
But they went and did this anyway. Panagiotakos isn't running for re-election this year, and probably just doesn't care. Murphy is, in our experience, an angry pro-gay liberal who has been endorsed by the gay lobby, is running unopposed this year, and is simply hostile to pro-family positions.
Why does the Legislature go along with it?
Most, if not all, of the legislators know what the money is being used for; we've presented this many times. We've testified at countless public hearings in the State House. We've had people go to their individual State House offices distributing copies of the materials. We've met with many of them personally. We've showed them what really is happening.
Unfortunately, our experience is that once they get elected they don't care about these things. That's been our observation year after year, with Republicans and Democrats, and it's maddening. What happens to other peoples' kids doesn't particularly bother them if it means going up against the establishment. It's much easier for them to just go along with the homosexual lobby than to make waves.
How you stop this
It's pretty simple. They will only do the right thing when we all exert enormous pressure. That's how it's always worked in the past -- going back to the passage of the Parental Notification Law back in 1996.
P.S. A lot of pro-family groups will tell you to be "moderate" and "work with them". That approach is easier, feels good, and has a long history of not working. On the other hand, large numbers of people speaking firmly can work wonders.
Text of items in 2011 Mass. state budget funding homosexual agenda
Below are the budget items funding the homosexual movement. The first item uses federal Medicaid money. The others use state money.
Full text of 2011 budget passed by Legislature.
Full text of Gov. Patrick's vetoes of 2011 budget.
YELLOW = Mass. GLBT Commission or other homosexual issues.
PINK = Vetoed by governor because federal Medicaid funding cuts.
A. Budget items that fund the GLBT Youth Commission (3):
1. ITEM 0950-0500: Uses $100,000 of federal Medicaid money(FMAP) to give directly to the Mass. Commission on GLBT Youth.
0950-0050 For the commission on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth; provided, that funds shall be used to address issues impacting gay and lesbian youth including, but not limited to, health disparities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth, the support and safety of gay and lesbian students and related suicide and violence prevention efforts ................. $100,000
FMAP Budget Relief Fund ............ 100.000%
2. ITEM 4590-0250: Gives the Mass. Commission on GLBT Youth an open-ended share of portion of over $11 million of Dept. of Public Health Department money. They could literally get millions.
4590-0250 For school health services and school-based health centers in public and non-public schools; provided, that services shall include, but not be limited to: (a) strengthening the infrastructure of school health services in the areas of personnel and policy development, programming and interdisciplinary collaboration; (b) developing linkages between school health services programs and community health providers; (c) incorporating health education programs, including tobacco prevention and cessation activities in school curricula and in the provision of school based health services; and (d) incorporating obesity prevention programs, including nutrition and wellness programs, in school curricula to address the nutrition and lifestyle habits needed for healthy development; provided further, that the services shall meet standards and eligibility guidelines established by the department in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education; provided further, that funding may be expended to address the recommendations of the commission on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth, established in section 67 of chapter 3 of the General Laws, for the reduction of health disparities for gay, lesbian bisexual and transgendered youth; provided further, that the same percentage of funds may be expended for school nurse programs as those expended in fiscal year 2010; provided further, that funds may be expended for the Massachusetts Model of Community Coalitions; and provided further, that upon receipt of a written certification by the secretary of administration and finance, addressed to the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the comptroller of the commonwealth, that legislation extending the commonwealth’s eligibility for an enhanced federal medical assistance percentage pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordability Act of 2010, Public Law 111-148 and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-152, not in effect as of June 1, 2010, has been duly enacted and signed into law by the President of the United States or that the federal government has otherwise obligated itself to release additional funding not available as of June 1, 2010, to the commonwealth during state fiscal year 2011,the department shall expend the same percentage of funds for the school nurse programs as those expended in fiscal year 2010. .............. $11,724,925
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Fund ..... 98.917%
FMAP Budget Relief Fund ............. 1.083%
3. ITEM 7010-0005: Gives the Mass Commission on GLBT Youth an open-ended portion of over $13 million of Dept. of Education money. They could literally get millions.
7010-0005 For the operation of the department of elementary and secondary education; provided, that the department, in collaboration with the commission on gay and lesbian youth established by section 67 of chapter 3 of the General Laws, may allocate funds for programming to ensure public schools’ compliance with the board of elementary and secondary education’s recommendations which take into account the commission’s recommendations, for the support and safety of gay and lesbian students and the implementation of related suicide and violence prevention efforts and reduction of health disparities for GLBT youth; and provided further, that upon receipt of a written certification by the secretary of administration and finance, addressed to the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the comptroller of the commonwealth, that legislation extending the commonwealth’s eligibility for an enhanced federal medical assistance percentage pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, not in effect as of June 1, 2010, has been duly enacted and signed into law by the President of the United States or that the federal government has otherwise obligated itself to release additional funding not available as of June 1, 2010, to the commonwealth during state fiscal year 2011,not less than $100,000 shall be allocated for the purposes of offering a no-cost method to schools and districts for professional development to build the skills of all staff members, including but not limited to, educators, administrators, school nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to extracurricular activities and paraprofessionals to prevent, identify and respond to bullying; provided further, that the content of such professional development shall include, but not be limited to: developmentally appropriate strategies to prevent bullying incidents; developmentally appropriate strategies for immediate, effective interventions to stop bullying incidents; information regarding the complex interaction and power differential that may take place between and among a perpetrator, victim and witnesses to the bullying; research findings on bullying, including information about specific categories of students who have been shown to be particularly at risk for bullying in the school environment; information on the incidence and nature of cyber-bullying; and internet safety issues as they relate to cyber-bullying; and provided further that the no-cost method may also include a train-the-trainer model, so-called, with demonstrated success ............ $13,165,557
General Fund ........................... 98.219%
FMAP Budget Relief Fund ............. 1.781%
B. Other gay-related items in budget (2):
4. ITEM 4513-1130: Gives unspecified homosexual groups an open-ended portion of over $5 million to address "sexual violence and intimate partner violence in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community." The fact that enormous money is now needed for homosexual "partner violence" confirms what most responsible mental health professionals already know about the homosexual lifestyle.
4513-1130 For domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and victim services, including batterers’ intervention and services for immigrants and refugees; provided, that funds shall be expended for rape prevention and victim services, including the statewide Spanish language hotline; provided further, that funds shall be expended for the public health model of community engagement and intervention services for crisis housing for sexual violence and intimate partner violence in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community; and provided further, that monies may be expended for the classroom-based domestic violence prevention education program administered in item 0340-0900 in fiscal year 2009 ........... $5,408,264
General Fund ........... 90.729%
FMAP Budget Relief Fund ............... 9.271%
5. ITEM 9110-9002: Gives unspecified homosexual groups an open-ended portion of over $8 million for "provider training and outreach for LGBT elders and caregivers." This is one of the goals of the homosexual movement -- to push homosexual diversity training on the elder-care industry.
9110-9002 For grants to the councils on aging and for grants to or contracts with non-public entities which are consortia or associations of councils on aging; provided, that notwithstanding the foregoing, all monies appropriated in this item shall be expended in accordance with the distribution schedules for formula and incentive grants established by the secretary of elder affairs; provided further, that funding shall be expended for provider training and outreach for LGBT elders and caregivers; and provided further, that such distribution schedules shall be submitted to the house and senate committees on ways and means ................. $8,265,068
General Fund ............. 95.635%
FMAP Budget Relief Fund ............. 4.365%
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