ADL and radical homosexual groups worked with House members to craft anti-bullying bill.
Includes two groups that terrorized a church in downtown Boston!
POSTED: March 24, 2010
It's no accident that the anti-bullying bill crafted by the Massachusetts House of Representatives is patterned after the recommendations of GLSEN, an aggressive homosexual activist group targeting kids in schools.
Although GLSEN itself has purposefully stayed in the background, the House leadership has worked very closely with a coalition that included some of the most radical and heinous homosexual groups to craft their anti-bullying bill. It includes two groups that terrorized the Park Street Church in Boston last year in a hideous incident involving bullhorns, screaming, and desecration of an historic cemetery.
The coalition was organized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which acted as the lead group before the media, put on the press conferences, and orchestrated the emotional PR campaign in the media. But when it came to interacting with the politicians, such as in the November 17 State House public hearing, the homosexual and transgender groups apparently did most of the work.
Radical groups in coalition
Among the groups in the ADL's "anti-bullying" coalition (who are working with your legislators on this bill):
- Join the Impact MA. This is the group that organized a hideous attack on Park Street Church in downtown Boston last spring during a religious conference on homosexuality. The goal was to terrorize the participants and shut down the event. Among other things, they used a bullhorn to blast angry epithets into the church, passed out "Jesus is gay" pamphlets, marched around the church screaming, and trampled through the historic Granary Burial Ground next door.
- Anti-Violence Project. This group also participated in the attack on Park Street Church (above). Despite their name, they seem bent on inciting violence rather than stopping it.
- Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition. A bizarre group that pushes cross-dressing and transgender behavior, and was recently involved with a public parade of shirtless women who had amputated their breasts to "become" men. The group works with schoolchildren as part of the Mass. Commission for GLBT Youth.
- Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus (MGLPC). This is the major homosexual lobbying group in the Massachusetts State House. They also paid for an ad bragging that they "sponsored" the attack on Park Street Church.
- MassEquality. The main homosexual political organizing group in Massachusetts that pushed gay marriage. They also paid for the ad bragging that they "sponsored" the attack on the Park Street Church.
- Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) This group goes into schools and promotes a radical homosexual and transgender behavior to schoolchildren. In particular, they encourage children to "come out" as homosexual (or bisexual).
- Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA). The teachers' union, which regularly sponsors the annual GLSEN conferences and promotes homosexual programs in the public schools.
- Fenway Health Center which specializes in GLBT medical services.
The complete coalition list on the ADL website is here. It also includes left-wing churches, politicians, political groups, and others the ADL cobbled together for the occasion. Notably, GLSEN is left off the list (to stay under the radar).
As the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows reported, homosexual groups in this coalition were in the thick of the fight to get their language into this bill from the beginning.
Angered that "anti-bullying" bill was not radical enough
When the House first put together its version of the "anti-bully" bill, it did not include many of the radical aspects. This angered the ADL and the homosexual activists. They put on the full-court lobbying press. On the morning of the debate and vote by the full House, both the Globe and Herald had articles about it. By the afternoon, the bill was passed and they got most of what they wanted. That's power.
Hardcore PR. The morning of the House debate and vote, both the Boston Globe (left) and Boston Herald had articles describing how the pro-homosexual coalition was unhappy with the preliminary changes and demanded much more. Their pressure continued and proved fruitful.
Why is the ADL doing this?
The ADL, a Jewish organization founded to fight anti-Semitism, has been harshly criticized by many in the Boston Jewish community and others in recent years for taking up causes offensive to traditional Judaism. Largely as a result of their far-left donor base, they have drifted from their mission and gone in a radical anti-family direction. Their "No Place for Hate" campaign in public schools and towns a few years back, which demonized traditional values, was strongly detested by Jews and Christians alike.
But for the ADL (and our lawmakers!) to work with disgusting groups that terrorize churches is beyond the pale. We have tried to dialogue with the ADL for many years, but with no success.
The morning after the unanimous House vote the Boston Globe was absolutely giddy! |
