Here's who's supporting this in the Legislature

The lead sponsor, Rep. Alice Wolf, of Cambridge, is among the most determined advocates of the homosexual lobby in the entire state. As our MassResistance blog wrote recently:

State Rep. Alice Wolf (D-Cambridge), designated "Honorary Lesbian" by the Cambridge Lavender Alliance, is the chief sponsor of House Bill 1641, which would mandate K-12 "health" education for every public school student in Massachusetts. Wolf is doing her best to spread the word that this bill is just about teaching little children how to brush their teeth, and saving older children from drug addiction and gang involvement.

Needless to say, the definition of "health" in the document of reference -- the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks -- has been dictated by assorted libertines, Planned Parenthood abortion advocates, and homosexual extremists. And they picked Rep. Wolf to be their lead sponsor for good reasons.

Wolf was endorsed in 2004 by these radical homosexual PACs:
     MGLPC (Mass. Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus)
     Freedom to Marry Coalition
     Cambridge Lavender Alliance (see above).
She's also been endorsed by Mass. League of Environmental Voters, the Mass.Women's Political Caucus, and Mass. NARAL. Her other leftist awards include the "Progressive Leadership Award" from the Commonwealth Coalition, and the "Woman of Courage Award" from the Mass. chapter of the National Organization of Women.

Wolf's homosexual activism goes way back. Formerly the Mayor of Cambridge, she received the "Friends of the Community Award" given by the Greater Boston Lesbian and Gay Political Alliance in 1992 for her work in passing the Cambridge Domestic Partnership Law.

In 2004, Rep. Wolf performed a "wedding" for a major homosexual activist -- whose works are cited in the Massachusetts Health Curriculum Frameworks. More.

In all, there are 39 co-sponsors!  Most of them are a who's-who of the pro-homosexual / Planned Parenthood / Teachers Union lobby in the State House. They're certainly not people who generally think that parents know better than left-wing bureaucrats about what's best for their kids.

But what's really disturbing are the pro-family reps also on this list: Mark Carron and Richard Moore. for instance. We'll need to get to the bottom of that. Obviously, there's some heavy lobbying going on. 

[NOTE: Rep. Paul Loscocco and Rep. Joyce Spiliotis are both listed as a co-sponsors on the state website. Rep. Loscocco's office has informed us that's a mistake; he's definitely not in favor of H1641/S102.  Rep. Joyce Spiliotis told us that after having reviewed it further, she is not in favor of H1641/S102.]

This bill clearly has the fingerprints of Planned Parenthood and the rest of the sex lobby on it. And they're the ones who get quoted in the paper supporting it.

Sponsors of H1641:

Alice K. Wolf
Ellen Story
Patricia A. Haddad
Ruth B. Balser
Stephen Kulik
Gloria L. Fox
Rep. David Paul Linsky
Byron Rushing
Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
Anthony J. Verga
Thomas M. Stanley
Peter J. Koutoujian
Frank I. Smizik
Douglas W. Petersen
Deborah D. Blumer
Peter V. Kocot
Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.
Martha M. Walz
Denis E. Guyer
Kay Kahn
Patricia D. Jehlen
Mary E. Grant
J. James Marzilli, Jr.
Karen Spilka
Martin J. Walsh
Kathleen M. Teahan
Barbara A. L'Italien
Lida E. Harkins
William Smitty Pignatelli
Jennifer M. Callahan
Richard T. Moore
John W. Scibak
Cory Atkins
Susan C. Fargo
Mark J. Carron

Sonsors of S102:

Joan M. Menard
Robert A. O'Leary
Susan C. Fargo