Here's the propaganda already being passed out to the committee.

No surprise here: leading the charge with lies and distorted facts.

The following was distributed among members of the Massachusetts Legislature by the sponsor of H1641, Rep. Alice Wolf.

It uses a familiar tactic -- scaring people with "facts" from the fraudulent "Youth Risk Behavior Survey", a compendium of extremely leading questions, put together by state education administrators who have a vested interest in perpetuating their experimental social programs to "save" children, and given out to self-selected kids in selected schools.

Click here for more on the "Youth Risk Behavior Survey."

And this parades the assumption that the radical social "solutions" put forth in this new law are so good that parents can't be trusted to make these decisions themselves, for their own kids -- only the bureaucrats are competent enough for that!

And, of course, this completely ignores the normalization of homosexuality and homosexual practices that is peppered through the curriculum frameworks.

House Bill 164
An Act to Provide Health Education in Schools

Lead Sponsor: Rep. Alice K. Wolf

Legislation Summary

An Act to Provide Health Education in Schools would make age-appropriate health education, as delineated by the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, a part of the core curriculum in Massachusetts public schools.


  • Making health education part of the core curriculum will allow students the opportunity to learn about important health issues in order to make responsible decisions, prevent disease, reduce risky behaviors, and lead healthy lives.
  • The health education curriculum would be based on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, developed by a committee of "Massachusetts teachers of health, physical education, family and consumer sciences, health educators from higher education, physicians, and school nurses"[1] for the Massachusetts Department of Education. The framework includes 14 subject areas including nutrition, physical activity and fitness, violence prevention, and alcohol and substance abuse. Reproduction/sexuality is one of these 14. This framework can be found at:
  • The link between health and educational achievement is clear. Children and young adults who learn about proper nutrition and fitness, the negative outcomes of smoking and drinking, and how to better combat bullying can lead healthier lives and perform better in the classroom. As the curriculum frameworks note, "education in all subjects can be more effective when health is a priority throughout the school." [2]
  • This bill is necessary, furthermore, because students are engaging in risky behaviors that totally undermine their health. According to the 2003 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey which surveys 50 randomly selected high schools across the state every two years:

    • 25% of students had their first alcoholic drink before age 13.
    • 17% of students used diet pills, laxatives, vomiting or another unhealthy method to lose weight.
    • 14% of female and 6% of male students reported
    • experiencing sexual contact against their will.
    • 41% of students had engaged in sexual intercourse.
  • This bill does not require an MCAS component for health education.
  • Parents and guardians will still have the ability to opt their children out of sex education classes as required by Massachusetts General Laws.


[1] Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, October 1999, page 1.
[2] Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, October 1999, page 1.