Four hundred people descend on State House for public hearing on H1641!
(see pictures below)
Planned Parenthood also there in force. Testimony finally ends at 9:00
School "health" bill would make sexuality and homosexuality "education"
mandatory in grades K-12.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 31. Outraged citizens from across Massachusetts and beyond
took a day out of their lives to cram into a crowded room in the basement of the
State House to let their legislators know that they do not want their rights
taken away even more. The Boston Globe reported in their Wednesday morning
edition that the crowd numbered at least 400.
Those opposing the bill outnumbered supporters by at least 10 to 1. And those
in favor of the bill appeared to have been organized and brought in by Planned
Parenthood of Massachusetts, which has been the major force behind this move to
make sexuality and homosexuality "education" required in Massachusetts public
schools, grades K-12.
Although leaders of the various major homosexual lobbying groups were
present, they stayed in the background and none of them testified. It appeared
that was a strategic move, to take the focus off homosexuality in the
We've never seen the hearing room this crowded, hot, and steamy. The pictures
really don't do it justice.
We don't think that the Education Committee has ever faced parents and
citizens that were
this determined and this emotional. They were here to be heard, no matter
how crowded, how
hot the room was, or how late they had to stay.

The crowd went out the door, and way down the hallway.

In the entire first hour, Rep Elizabeth Pourier was the only anti-1641
speaker allowed to talk!
This was the Committee's version of "fairness." But it didn't phase any of
Rep. Douglas Petersen got angry at one of the parents testifying.
Several of the reps on the committee were condescending, and even rude.
But this time, none of the parents or others were intimidated.

David Parker took the stand and gave a very emotional speech.
We've got it on tape; we'll post it soon.

Waving a copy of the health curriculum frameworks before the panel.
It was the first time many of the reps on the committee had seen it!

Planned Parenthood was very well organized, handing out their stickers
at the entrance of the hearing room.

Some of the kids that Planned Parenthood recruited to come and testify.
It was very sad to see how these kids were being used for Planned
Parenthood's agenda.

A truly destructive message.

One of the many Planned Parenthood panels of "experts"
they organized and brought in to testify.
It was very slick.

Were these guys here to protect the legislators from the people. . .
. . . or the people from the legislators? They weren't sure, either!

Seven o'clock at night. Our people were still testifying!
Note the man standing in front of the portrait on the wall is
the head of Planned Parenthood in Massachusetts -- still there
monitoring what was going on. This was very important to him.

Almost 9 pm. One of the last people to hang in there and testify.

Now the hard work begins!!