Here's how H1641 (and S102) will affect children in Massachusetts:

The language of House Bill H1641 (also S102) the bill is deceptively simple. It adds another requirement for graduation from Massachusetts public schools. The complete text of the bill is:

Section 1D of chapter 69 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2000 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the words "foreign language," in line 6, the words:- health education, as defined by the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Education Framework.

Section 1D of chapter 69 of the General Laws lists subject matter that must be learned at various grade levels, as standards. Among other things,it says, 

"The standards shall cover grades kindergarten through twelve and shall clearly set forth the skills, competencies and knowledge expected to be possessed by all students at the conclusion of individual grades or clusters of grades. . .Satisfaction of the requirements of the competency determination shall be a condition for high school graduation."

The Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks now becomes a mandatory part of K-12 teaching in Massachusetts Public Schools!   This document is over 100 pages long and covers a wide range of "health" topics (including, for example, health of the environment!) and appears to be written by the usual far-left academic we-know-better-than-you crowd. Parts of it are excerpted below, but you can access the complete version from the Dept. of Education web site, in various formats: 
Web version   Adobe Acrobat version    Microsoft Word version.

Here's what's in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Curriculum Frameworks:

Note: References are given after each quote for the topic "strand" and section numbers where it's found in the Mass. Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks (Mass. Dept. of Education, October 1999.)

While you read this, you might ask yourself how this relates to "health"!

By the end of grade 5:

Students label the functions and/or systems of the reproductive system. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec.4.1]

Grades K-5 seems to be way too early to be doing this. (Some schools would do it in Kindergarten, others in Grade 5) Parents decide when a child is ready for these issues.

Define sexual orientation using the correct terminology (such as heterosexual, and gay and lesbian) - Students write short answer to define the types of sexual orientation. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec. 4.3, 4.4]

In other words, the normalization of homosexuality starts young. We must assume this will also include the latest trends in the GLBT activist lexicon: "bisexual", "transgender", and maybe even "polyamorous". (Are we ready for cross-dressing day in the elementary grades?) Interesting that this discussion of sexual orientation falls within the "Reproduction/Sexuality" unit, when the school administrations are very busy telling parents that the Parental Notification Act does NOT apply to homosexuality issues!

Describe different types of families, addressing membership and social influences, and the functions of family members. [Social & Emotional Health: Family Life, sec. 6.1]

This is where same-sex families are equated with normal families. The "functions" of family members is about breaking down male-female roles in families. THIS is why David Parker was arrested!

Identify whom to talk with about family problems and successes. [Social & Emotional Health: Family Life, sec. 6.3]

This is about telling kids to go to people other than their parents with problems.

Identify the various feelings most people experience and describe the physical and emotional reactions of the body to intense positive and negative feelings. [Social & Emotional Health: Mental Health, sec. 5.1]

This is from the "Feelings and Emotions" unit, where students will "learn skills to promote self-acceptance."

Describe the concepts of prejudice and discrimination. Students design posters, bulletin boards or web page components on the theme of the 3R's - Responsibilities, Rights, and Respect. [Social & Emotional Health: Interpersonal Relationships, sec. 7.4, 7.2]

What examples of these concepts will be used? Will racial discrimination be equated with discrimination against "gays and lesbians"? How will "rights" and "respect" be defined?

By the end of grade 8:

Explain setting limits on sexual behavior -- Students discuss consequences around sexuality decisions. Determine and role-play steps that improve decision-making (such as with whom to consult …) [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec. 4.6, 4.7]

This obviously necessitates imagining and discussing all sorts of sexual situations and activities. Imagine the small co-ed group discussions and the scenarios the children might decide to role play. (Remember, this is grades 6-8).

Describe behaviors and methods for pregnancy prevention, including abstinence. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec. 4.8]

Abstinence is thus just "another" technique for preventing pregnancy. Children (grades 6-8!) are introduced to the whole range of contraceptive devices and methods. They are told that they need to make a healthy "choice" that's right for them! (Will children be encouraged to engage in sexual activities other than vaginal intercourse, in order to prevent pregnancy?)

Define the types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS, and how they are prevented. Students report on the policies of various states and countries regarding STIs prevention among youth. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec. 4.9]

Will the "politically correct" version of AIDS transmission be taught, or will children understand the truth (that homosexual activity is much riskier than natural, vaginal intercourse, etc.)? Will children be told the truth about the ineffectiveness of condom use in preventing most STIs?

Identify sexual discrimination and harassment -- Students use current events or media portrayal to discuss the consequences of discrimination based on sexual orientation. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec. 4.10]

This equates "sexual orientation" with the Civil Rights movement, and reinforces homosexual behavior as a legitimate part of life. Anyone who disagrees must be a regressive "bigot."

After reading literature in which a young person experienced an intense feeling, students write a poem about the feeling(s) the character experienced. [Social & Emotional Health: Mental Health, sec. 5.7, "Feelings and Emotions" unit]

What literature will be chosen? One of the many new works focusing on "gay and lesbian youth"? Upsetting works including a focus on death, or adoption, etc.?

Students identify risk-taking behaviors that a teen might consider. Working in small groups, practice and evaluate refusal skills for those risk behaviors that are dangerous. [Social & Emotional Health: Interpersonal Relationships, sec. 7.6]

While this might be useful re: drugs and alcohol, imagine the "refusal skills" practiced for sexual situations. (This is for grades 6-8.)

Recognize the positive contribution of character traits (such as tolerance …) to relationships, the benefit to relationships which include understanding and respecting individual differences, and the detrimental effect of prejudice (such as prejudice on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, class, or religion) on individual relationships and society as a whole. Students read literature on prejudice and write a paper on how it can cause conflict in communities. [Social & Emotional Health: Interpersonal Relationships, sec. 7.7]

Identify the social and emotional consequences of harassment (for example, gender, racial, handicap, sexual in nature, etc.) [Safety & Prevention: Violence Prevention, sec. 11.13, "study of awareness"]

Again in both sections above, race, class, and religion are equated with "gender" discrimination (apparently different from "sexual" harassment or discrimination - so opening the door to the "transgenderism"?) and "sexual orientation." Note that an extremist homosexual activist group in Lexington (opposing father David Parker's rights to opt his child out of such propaganda) is called "Respecting Differences."

By the end of grade 12:

Describe the effectiveness and consequences of various pregnancy, HIV, and STI prevention methods, including abstinence. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec. 4.13]

Again, introducing the wide range of sexual contraception methods, with their own spin on them. Abstinence is just one of many. Particularly dangerous is introducing high-risk methods (such as condoms) to kids. We've also heard of medical professionals telling teen girls that anal intercourse is a way of avoiding pregnancy!

Identify possible determinants of sexual orientation and analyze the weight of each in light of available research. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec.4.14]

More propaganda. Pushing homosexuality as in-born and genetic.

Identify resources available for treatment of reproductive health problems. [Physical Health: Reproduction/Sexuality, sec.4.20]

The "resources" will usually include Planned Parenthood, as well as other sources most parents would prefer their kids not be involved with - i.e., where children can go to get STI treatment, contraceptives, and abortions, without their parents knowing.

Explain confidentiality laws and individuals' rights to seek medical treatment. [Safety & Prevention: Disease Prevention and Control, sec. 8.b]

Again, this is about bypassing parents and going to "health" services, such as Planned Parenthood or Fenway Community Health Center for things like abortions or AIDS tests, which parents would then not know about. Thus, another adult is making medical decisions for your children.

Describe the influence of gender on identity and self-concept -- Students have a class discussion on the influence of group stereotypes about gender roles on identity and self-concept. [Social & Emotional Health: Mental Health, sec. 5.15, "Feelings and Emotions" unit]

More propaganda about breaking down traditional male / female "gender" roles in the minds of children, despite how parents might feel about that. This also easily leads into the concept of "transgenderism" and cross-dressing, and even to discussions of sex changes.

Explain the functions, purposes, and social significance of family from various historical periods, including modern times - Students view films that show changes in families in the last 50 years and identify what constants appear (e.g., caring for each other) and what changes appear evident (e.g., role changes in household and parenting tasks). [Social & Emotional Health: Family Life, sec.6.9]

Note the "constant" given is "caring for each other". But no mention of the "constant" of a father and a mother, and their children. What other "changes appear evident"? Same-sex parent headed households?

Through the study of Romantic Relationships students will … describe commitment in casual and serious relationships - Students create skits that deal with various decisions made at the developmental stages of relationships. Videotape and analyze the skits with regard to the different decisions people might be faced with in these relationships. [Social & Emotional Health: Interpersonal Relationships, sec. 7.17]

Valuable class time given over to discussing and dwelling on heavy-duty sexual scenarios. Is this health???

A few of their "Resources for Health Education":

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). For example, "Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten-12th grade" by SIECUS.
SIECUS is a leading advocate for abortion and childhood sexual freedom, with close ties to Planned Parenthood.

GLSEN Boston [Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network]. The most radical homosexual propaganda factory out there, responsible for the gay clubs in the high schools, Day of Silence, "Safe Zones", gay day assemblies, etc.

"Gay Straight Alliances: A Student Guide from the Safe Schools Program for Gay and Lesbian Students," published by the Mass. Dept. of Education. Need we say more?

"Resources for Education and Counseling Faculty," Mass. Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, Project for the Integration of Gay & Lesbian Youth Issues…

"A Staff Development Manual for Anti-Homophobia Education in the Secondary School", by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

"Understanding Homosexuality, Changing School: A Text " Westview Press.

"Step by Step to Comprehensive School Health…", ETR Associates. A group that strongly opposes abstinence education.

"Coming on Strong: Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Women's Sport," Harvard University Press.

"Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the heart in nature education," in People and Nature magazine.  That's right, "Eco-phobia."

Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results, from the Mass. Dept. of Education.  This "survey" is as fraudulent as they come. Click here for more on it.

General observations:

This is clearly being driven by Planned Parenthood and the homosexual lobby. No one has heard of any legitimate parent groups that are asking for this. Just the opposite!

So much of this, particularly the "attitude" parts regarding homosexual behavior, has no obvious connection to "health."  It's just a back-door way of pushing propaganda.

Notice that there is no "opt-out" mentioned anywhere! How would H1641 affect the parental notification law? This is clearly their answer to the current opt-out law and the proposed opt-in law. It appears to put parents in a bind: if you take your child out, and flunks "health" as a result, he possibly cannot graduate. And the pressure from both teachers and other children will now be on the child like never before. Our opinion: This is the end of parents' rights - the indoctrination machine goes into high gear!

The examples presented here are just a tiny sampling of the units that would be required. How this would fit into already packed school days is impossible to imagine.

The controversial issues such as homosexuality or parental authority over their children's medical treatment are interspersed throughout the "health" curriculum, in many different subsections. This way, they will certainly be included by at least some of the teachers. And they're harder for parents to track, since they pop up in the oddest places.

AIDS education will invariably involve politically correct "facts" which do not instill in children the truth about how AIDS is principally caused (homosexual behavior and drug use) and that by avoiding these, our society could drastically cut down the incidence of AIDS.