MassResistance TV – another front in the culture war!

Episode 5 in our hard-hitting series: “Save our Churches” featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez

Ten more stories on the "culture war" within Christianity

September 25, 2018

For Episode 5 we continue our look into the breadth and depth of left-wing (and LGBT) subversion in all the major American churches, with a few spots of good news here and there. (See this week's topics listed below.)

VIDEO: Episode 5 – Save Our Churches

This week's topics: In this, Episode 5 of Save Our Churches, ten more stories highlighting the high stakes involved in defending our churches.

  1. Few could imagine a more chilling conspiracy between Harvard University’s “religion scholars” and the FBI – to keep Christian orthodoxy in check. But it's not a nightmare. It's real.

  2. The Jesuits have set up the perfect global infrastructure for a true gay cabal. Their own quotes tell the whole story. It’s more radical than most people could imagine.
  3. Christian adoption agencies may be sinking deeper into a “gay parenting” trap that will ruin their mission.
  4. An American Thinker writer weighs predictions about which conflicting urge will win in the left-wing media: the love of Pope Francis's radical ideas – or the love of beating up whoever is in power when a Catholic scandal breaks.
  5. It's Groundhog Day again and the NYTimes runs another piece about liberals taking back the evangelical camp.
  6. From Buffalo to Georgetown, Catholic colleges collapse into total depravity.
  7. In Mormon-dense Utah, a voice of clarity on marriage – by a politician in a heated race!
  8. The “Dallas Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel” strikes refreshing new ground for an evangelical resurgence.
  9. Matthew Vines' trip to Orlando promoting pro-LGBT heresy was just another flim-flam game.
  10. More on Sam Alberry coming to the US pushing a “church audit” and bringing the message of “Same sex relationships: should we agree to disagree?” to churches:
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