CPAC vilifies and slanders MassResistance to the public!
Callers to CPAC office are told that we "lack common decency" - and worse
The purge continues: Bans others friendly to MassResistance
Huge outrage against CPAC from across the pro-family conservative network
February 22, 2018
The LGBT Log Cabin Republicans' float at the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago. Despite the group's disgusting signs (see below) CPAC does not consider this to be "lacking in common decency"
- as they've judged MassResistance. CAUTION: Obscene language. [Parade photos courtesy of Americans for Truth.]
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the oldest and largest annual “conservative” conference in America, is taking place this week. But there is almost no pro-family presence at all. Starting with MassResistance, and now extending to friendly media and a group allied with us, the conference organizers appear to be purging those who see the battle before us as a “culture war” that must be confronted, rather than simply a disagreement which can be “winsomely” debated.
CPAC bans MassResistance, after previously approving us!
As we reported last week, in January CPAC approved MassResistance for a table, but then on Feb. 8 they abruptly did an about-face and banned us. Judging from CPAC’s explanation, it appears that our hard stand against the LGBT agenda in the schools offended their libertarian and RINO factions – and in particular the radical LGBT group Log Cabin Republicans which has become a regular participant at CPAC. Basically, as journalist Cliff Kincaid observed yesterday, “The swamp has taken over.”
There was a swift reaction to the MassResistance expulsion from across the pro-family conservative network. It has clearly taken the CPAC executives by surprise! From Breitbart to LifeSite News to WND and beyond, since last week there have been at least 30 articles, interviews, and videos expressing outrage. See the current list of articles here.
CPAC vilifying MassResistance to the public!
CPAC told MassResistance that we were banned because our president, Brian Camenker, made comments in an obscure 2015 panel discussion which made them “uncomfortable.” In that video, Camenker said we’re in a culture war – it’s not a church service. Camenker gave the example of radical public officials aggressively pushing “transgenderism” on young schoolchildren. If parents want them to stop, he said, you have to mean business, including being “insulting and degrading” to those sleazy people if necessary – and this approach is backed up in Scripture. “I think that we’re misguided in our approach sometimes,” Camenker told the panel. The moderator, AFA radio host Sandy Rios, agreed with Camenker. “I actually think you’re right, Brian. I think that evangelicals have gotten a little bit soft and not understood warfare,” she said.
But CPAC – and its libertarian donor base – believes that this should be treated more as a polite disagreement, not as a culture war.
Probably the most odious part of all this was the willingness of CPAC to lie and slander MassResistance when pro-family conservatives telephoned the CPAC office for an explanation. People were shocked and contacted us from across the country. Several actually sent us tape recordings of their conversations with CPAC.
Here is a sample of what came back to us:
- Promoting violence? A woman called in to a CrossTalk Radio show and said, on the air, that a CPAC staffer named Josh told her that “there is a video on the MassResistance website that promotes violence against homosexuals.” (This is a disgusting lie. MassResistance has never promoted violence against anyone.)
- Calling for “disrespect of homosexuals”? A man from Colorado emailed us that Josh at CPAC told him that “the reason MassResistance was disinvited was because they called for people to disrespect homosexuals.” (We’d like to know exactly what that’s referring to.) The man asked Josh about the disrespectful way the Log Cabin Republicans have treated the military. He said that Josh “got snippy” and the conversation ended.
- “Lacking common decency”? A woman from Michigan sent us a tape of her call to CPAC. A woman named Rachel told her that “MassResistance used language that was not considered common decency.” When asked to define common decency, Rachel said, “I believe there’s an article that’s been getting a lot of traction in the mainstream media where they called for or condoned something that we don’t necessarily agree with or used language that we don’t necessarily agree with.” But she wouldn’t specify what MassResistance “condoned” and wouldn’t say which article in the mainstream media she was referring to. (We have no idea. We would like CPAC to show us.)
- Language “lacked common decency that every human being deserves”? A woman from Ohio sent us a tape of her call to CPAC. A woman named Anna said, “We saw that they were not using language of common decency.” She added that the reason CPAC specifically did not let MassResistance come “because of the specific language they used in referring to the people that they disagree with.” She said, “Our specific problem with MassResistance was the language that they used and it just lacked a common decency that every human being deserves, because every human being deserves respect and dignity, and we saw that they were failing to use that language.” When the caller asked Anna what she was referring to, she would not be specific but simply said it was in the recent MassResistance post and the video from 2015.
- "Crude language to hatefully attack people"? A woman from Massachusetts phoned us and said that when she called CPAC a man told her that MassResistance was banned because we "condone the use of crude language to hatefully attack people." She later called them back to say she had watched the video in question and couldn't find anything like that. They refused to discuss it with her further.
We expect this is the kind sleazy distortion and insinuation from the Left. No true conservative organization would act this way.
CPAC’s hypocrisy on “the language of common decency”
CPAC told callers that using “the language of common decency” is required to be allowed to be a part of their conference. That doesn’t seem to apply when welcoming the LGBT movement into CPAC. Let’s look at the record:
Log Cabin Republicans. The radical activist LGBT group Log Cabin Republicans have a table at CPAC for the third year in a row and are also an official sponsor. We’ve already listed some of the extreme anti-family activism they’ve been doing. We included their full-page ad in USA Today, which labels the Republican Party “losers” and “morons” because the GOP platform supported traditional marriage. But there’s a lot more.
Below are some photos from the Log Cabin Republican marchers in the Chicago Gay Pride Parade::
![]() |
Sign says: "A strong military shoots big loads" -- referring to sexual ejaculation. |
Sign says: "BIG DICKS small government."
Sign says:
"CUT TAXES – UNCUT 8 inches" - a crude reference to a large, uncircumsized penis.
CPAC clearly has no problem with any of Log Cabin Republican's language.
Milo Yiannopoulos. In 2017 CPAC invited the infamous LGBT libertine provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos to be its Keynote Speaker. Milo calls himself the “Dangerous Faggot” and peppers his speeches with disgusting references to his homosexual sex acts.
The previous year during the 2016 Republican Convention, Milo gave a speech where he joked that he lives “on his knees… I don’t think God would mind, I was calling His name the whole time.” … “I might be a dick-sucking faggot, but I f*cking hate the Left.”
Milo gave another disturbing performance at the “Gays for Trump” party during the 2016 convention. The photos behind him featured apparently underage boys stripped to the waist. He ended his spiel with this joke:
The Daily Beast says that “whites only” on your Grindr profile is racist. Well, my Grindr profile says “blacks only.” Is that racist? Obviously, I wouldn’t write “blacks only” because I don’t want to offend potential mates, so I’ll just write, “Don’t contact me if you’re under seven inches and know who your daddy is.”
Milo Yiannopoulos (wearing sunglasses) at the "Gays for Trump" event during the 2016 Republican National Convention. Note the large photos of underage boys in provocative poses.
CPAC had no problem with any of this. Only later when a video surfaced in which Milo condoned pederasty that garnered wide outrage did ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp rescind his invitation, just before CPAC 2017 was set to start.
CPAC considers this disgusting talk as within the “language of common decency.” But when MassResistance wants to help parents confront public officials who are pushing horrible things on their children, CPAC won’t stand for it. Is this “conservative”?
CPAC’s message to conservative activists: Be “winsome”
Throughout CPAC’s several dozen panels and workshops over three days, the big pro-family issues of the day are almost nowhere to be found. Nothing on the transgender agenda in the schools or military, the transgender “bathroom” fights going on everywhere, or the LGBT bans on reparative therapy being fought across the country. Nothing on children being sterilized by transgender allies in the medical professions. Nothing on parental rights to protect their children from X-rated sex ed in the schools. Nothing on the proliferation of LGBT anti-discrimination laws across the country. There are a few panels on religious liberty, and one on defunding Planned Parenthood.
There is an interesting panel on fighting CPAC’s version of the culture war. It’s among the “Activist Boot Camp” sessions. Rather than be aggressive, CPAC instructs us to be “winsome” when engaging the Left. Here is the description of the panel:
Engage to Win....not merely elections and debates, but a better future for Americans!
Learn to be more successful and winsome advocates for the ideas that created America — the freest, most prosperous, and most decent society in human history.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines “winsome” as “charming, often in a childlike or naive way.” If that’s the “winning” tactic for conservatives, no wonder we’re losing.
Bans media and others friendly to MassResistance
CPAC didn’t just stop at banning MassResistance. Over the last few days they’ve moved to outlaw others who agree with us!
Cliff Kincaid is a conservative icon. He has been attending CPAC for over 40 years – since Reagan spoke there. In 2009 he introduced then Rep. Mike Pence at CPAC. His organization, America’s Survival, has been an exhibitor at CPAC and is an important conservative media outlet available worldwide.
On Feb. 14, Cliff interviewed Brian Camenker of MassResistance on his regular video news show, America’s Survival TV. He gave us a platform to tell our side of the story. Last year, he wrote a forceful column on CPAC’s Milo scandal entitled, “NAMBLA Comes (Almost) to CPAC
A few days ago, CPAC contacted Cliff to say that his press credentials application for this year’s conference have been denied! They gave no reason. Keep in mind that CPAC gives press credentials to virtually everyone in the left-wing media, even those openly hostile to conservatism.
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH), has publicly collaborated with MassResistance on various projects over the years. AFTAH applied for a table at CPAC right after MassResistance was banned. CPAC charged his credit card for the large amount due. Then a week or so later they gave him his money back and refused to process his application any further. Despite several inquiries CPAC refuses to even give him the courtesy of a reply, much less a reason.
And more to come …
The “largest conservative conference in America” appears to be selling out in a big way. Nevertheless, we have boots on the ground inside CPAC (our activists actually purchased tickets!) and we will be giving you a full report about what they find there!
In the meantime, does all this upset you? You can give CPAC a call at: 202-347-9388.