Stand4Truth Conference – exposing the truth about the radical LGBT movement – a big success
Still the only conference of its kind in the country!
Videos available soon
November 2 2016
Stand4Truth speakers held an online press conference with conservative media just before the conference began. From left: David Pickup, Greg Quinlan, Arthur Goldberg, moderator Cherilyn Eagar, Janet Boynes, Peter Sprigg, Rev. Bill Owens, Pastor Dave Welch, Brian Camenker.
The second annual Stand4Truth conference, held on Oct. 28-29 in Houston, lived up to its promise. It featured experts from across the country uncovering and analyzing the radical LGBT agenda against families, children, and society. A great many of the horrible lies and deceptions being pushed on society and hurting people were exposed. The most powerful speakers are often ex-homosexuals, and several were featured. It was a fascinating two days.
No one else in the country does a conference like this! So it was an important action in today’s hostile ideological climate. As conference organizer David Pickup said, “We’re here today because voices are being silenced.”
How you can watch it
This is information that everyone needs. People came from as far away as Canada just to attend. The organizers hope that as many people as possible will have a chance to watch the presentations from this conference.
- Facebook videos. Much of the conference was streamed live via Facebook. Several videos are posted on the Stand4Truth FaceBook video page, and the main wall page.
- Professional DVDs. A professional video team was also there and videoed the entire conference. Those videos will be available on DVDs, which can be pre-ordered now on the Stand4Truth website for $19.95. (The price will later be $29.95.)
- Posted on YouTube? It has not been decided whether the professional videos will also be posted on YouTube. MassResistance also took videos of some of the speakers, which may become available.
Some of the highlights
Here are just a few of the many highlights over the two days that were covered:
Shattering the “born gay” myth. Several ex-homosexuals told startling stories of their lives as practicing “gays” and lesbians, described the influences that led to their homosexuality, and explained how they finally realized that “being gay” was horribly addictive behavior and not at all inborn.
Powerful ex-gay panel. From left: Janet Boynes, Ann Paulk, Greg Quinlan, Robin Goodspeed.
Sadly, an overwhelming number of homosexuals and lesbians were molested, raped, or suffered other emotional trauma at a young age, and that played a major role in later homosexual self-identification. Licensed therapist David Pickup talked about his own personal experience, as well as the kinds of situations he regularly helps people with in his practice.
Ryan Sorba
Researcher and activist Ryan Sorba, who works for Project Veritas, described a shocking undercover video he made on the “born gay” subject. Over a period of weeks he went into into gay bars and interviewed several dozen men. Virtually all of them talked about being raped or molested at a young age. And many of them talked about themselves later molesting underage boys. Ryan said it was mind-numbing how many men told similar stories.
No one has to be gay. Ex-gay Greg Quinlan for years worked for the homosexual group Human Rights Campaign and is now a pro-family activist. He said that as a gay man (and a nurse) he went to over 100 funerals of friends who died of AIDS. He finally decided that being gay “didn’t work for me” and gave his life to Christ. Several other ex-gays described a new-found Christian belief as the turning point in their lives in leaving homosexuality.
David Pickup
Healing is a process; how therapy works. Homosexuality is a symptom of much deeper problems that need to be dealt with. There is a lot of pent-up anger to be worked out. David Pickup gave a fascinating description of the journey of healing from the various sexual, emotional, and psychological traumas for the men and boys in his counseling practice.
How the bans on therapy are used to hurt people. The LGBT movement is aggressively lobbying to pass laws to ban counseling for homosexuals who seek it, which has been tremendously valuable to so many people. This is extremely cruel, especially to children who have been raped or molested and desperately need help.
The important role of clergy. Pastor Dave Welch, Janet Boynes, and others talked about how clergy needs to be properly equipped to step in and help those struggling with homosexuality. That is often the critical support that can make a difference in a person’s life. Ann Paulk gave an enlightening and heartwarming talk about ex-gay ministries – groups that are regularly demonized in the mainstream press.
The important role of parents. Too many parents of homosexuals take the position of accepting their child’s homosexuality, and even becoming pro-LGBT activists themselves. Ex-lesbian Robin Goodspeed talked about her journey from angry LGBT activist to becoming a Christian and freeing herself of homosexuality. She said that a crucial part of this success was the fact that her mother never gave up on her, continuing to pray for her, and always telling her that homosexuality was wrong and “it’s not who you really are.”
The LGBT agenda versus America. Researcher Peter Sprigg of Family Research Council gave an excellent talk on how the homosexual movement and its allies in politics, Hollywood, the media, academia, and big business are aggressively silencing and punishing those who disagree with the agenda. Pro-family people can suffer loss of livelihood, onerous fines, and even jail time. In big business, this pressure is increasingly being generated by the top people themselves. In addition, said Sprigg, most people don’t realize that there are over 65 national LGBT groups working full time to push their agenda into every corner of society and demonize pro-family people. Many of them are extremely well-funded by corporate America.
LGBT agenda in schools. Greg Quinlan described the sexualizing and homosexualizing of young children in schools, usually through programs pushed by the national LGBT groups. The material he showed was ghastly. Most parents are never told about this. It is getting worse every year.
“Gay media.” Radio host Janet Mefferd gave an interesting talk on “gay” national media. Although the entire mainstream media (newspapers, national TV, etc., including FOX) are completely in the tank with the LGBT movement, independent “gay” media has uniformly failed commercially. For example, unlike conservative talk which dominates the airwaves, “gay” talk shows have never lasted long. “Gay” cable channels meet a similar fate.
Dr. Christopher Rosik
Attacks on medical research. Dr. Christopher Rosik, a psychologist and NARTH Board Member, described how valid research on the LGBT issue constantly gets purposely misreported, distorted, and actually attacked, even by the “trusted” mainstream professional groups, whild LGBT-affirming studies are promoted. This was particularly unnerving. It has the effect of mis-educating the public and subverting public health.
Mat Staver
The perversion of the judicial system. Attorney Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, described how the “progressive” direction of the legal profession (and law school instruction) going back over a hundred years has led to the current state of lawyers who have virtually no interest in the actual words of the Constitution, and hopelessly activist judges who put politics and so-called “social justice” over actual law and Constitutional meaning.
As an example of how terrible this has become, Arthur Goldberg, former president of JONAH, a volunteer counseling service for people wanting to deal with their unwanted homosexual attraction, gave a chilling account of the outrageous anti-family bias by a judge. The extremist Southern Poverty Law Center sued his group on a phony “consumer fraud” charge to force them out of business. The judge was literally a cheerleader for the plaintiffs. The details of this case are unbelievable.
Anti-family laws. Across the country, LGBT anti-discrimination laws were pushed to ultimately force businesses such as bakeries to bend to their will. And as MassResistance has also observed, anti-bullying laws in schools were supposed to address legitimate concerns, but were mostly crafted by pro-LGBT groups to harshly suppress criticism of homosexuality.
Dr. Steven Hotze
How Houston won the “bathroom bill” battle. Dr. Steven Hotze, the leading force behind the amazing 61%-39% ballot victory in Houston to repeal the “bathroom bill” last year, led a panel that included Jared Woodfill and Jonathan Saenz, both major figures in the campaign. They discussed how our side’s overwhelming victory happened in a “deep blue” city like Houston, even though they were vastly outspent. It was very inspiring.
Activism is needed across the country. Brian Camenker of MassResistance described how the mainstream pro-family movement is continuing to back away from effective activism, and too often refusing to oppose the LGBT movement’s agenda, and even compromising with them. What is really needed is aggressive grassroots organizing to politically confront these attacks and outrages, which MassResistance is working to do across the country. We also highlighted our new book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality, a great factual resource for opposing the radical agenda.
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Cross-country activists. From left: Brian Camenker of MassResistance, Jonathan Saenz of Texas Values, and Arthur Schaper, director of California MassResistance. |
Pastor Dave Welch
How churches can (and must) get into the battle! Pastor Bill Owens, Pastor Dave Welch, Dr. Robert Jeffress, and Rev. Zagery Oliver talked about how the church is a critical part of the battle to take back our society, and how pastors and parishioners alike must step up to the plate and face the challenge. In particular, said Dr. Jeffress, pastors need to help their parishioners cut through the lies and confusion being pushed by the LGBT movement and lead their people forward.
Nobody was backing down! Of course, starting even before the conference, there were angry attacks by homosexual activists. But everyone stood tall and, as they had already determined, refused to be intimidated.
Conference organizer David Pickup countered, “I believe there is no compassion without truth.” Then he added, “We’re here because our voices are being silenced. There is a movement to silence everybody who doesn’t agree.”
Interestingly, there were no disruptions at all during the entire two days. It wasn’t too surprising, though. Over the years we’ve observed that homosexual activists are bullies and cowards. They feed on fear, but if you stand up to them they always back down.
The enforced silence is being broken! It’s our job to keep the truth going.
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Getting the word out. Brian Camenker (left) and Ryan Sorba at the MassResistance table at the Stand4Truth conference. |