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Making a difference: California MassResistance's fight to stop LGBT anti-religion bill: Here’s how to lobby your state legislators.

Out to stop SB 1146 – the worst bill in the country

Breaking the mold of the mushy and ineffective pro-family movement

State Police brought in to intimidate us, but it didn’t work!

August 26, 2016

VIDEO: Here's how to lobby legislators. California MassResistance visits the Long Beach office of State Sen. Ricardo Lara, the sponsor of Bill SB 1146. (6 min 14 sec)

The aggressive lobbying by California MassResistance at the local offices of California state legislators to stop the oppressive LGBT anti-religion bill SB 1146 that began in June was ramped up in August! (Our examples below could serve as a tutorial!)

As a result and other pro-family action, the bill failed in its first vote in the State Assembly, and needed a second vote (with arm-twisting from the leadership) to squeak through by one vote.

How was this possible after two “compromises” by the bill’s sponsor and the cave-in by many religious college presidents who said they now support the bill?.One could say that the state legislature is experiencing a different approach by pro-family conservatives!

Breaking the mold: How pro-family people should lobby

Many of you have probably been to one of those State House “lobby day” training sessions put on by establishment pro-family groups. We’re told to be polite and respectful, and to give “factual” information but not be emotional. We should make points that don’t offend people (such as, “every child needs a mother and a father”). We should politely ask for their support of what we want.

Unfortunately, that approach doesn’t have an outstanding track record. Usually, they pat us on the head and thank us for our input. Then they ignore us.

Inside Sen. Ricardo Lara's office. Sometimes you have to tell it like it is!

In fighting bill SB 1146, MassResistance California breaks the mold of wimpy, moderate, mushy, and ineffective pro-family “lobbying” techniques. We are direct and assertive. We tell the unadulterated truth. We tell them what they must do!

For example:

1. At the office of Sen. Ricardo Lara (the bill’s sponsor) in Long Beach

It’s very likely that one of the reasons that Sen. Ricardo Lara, the sponsor of SB 1146, agreed to back off on the bill and compromise is the very strong sense of outrage that MassResistance activists, including many of his own constituents, brought to his local office on Aug. 4. Politicians rarely hear this kind of message from conservatives.

A group of concerned citizens -- led by California MassResistance -- visits the office of Sen. Ricardo Lara to discuss their issues with his bill.

Staffer for Sen. Lara (right) listens while a citizen makes a point.

Sitting on the side in Sen. Lara's office during the California MassResistance visit.

As we reported previously, on June 29 Sen. Lara's staff tried to avoid us by closing the office just before a scheduled meeting. So we came back. The video above shows we made very sure they got the message this time.

2. Outside Chamber of Commerce political event in Huntington Park

Later that same day, Sen. Lara was addressing an outdoor Chamber of Commerce event in downtown Huntington Park. California MassResistance showed up outside to remind him how crucial it was that Christian colleges have religious freedom.

Outside the Chamber of Commerce event.

California MassResistance director Arthur Schaper stands outside of the Chamber of Commerce event, as a Chamber staffer looks on.

The tactics of police intimidation

One obnoxious tactic of the liberal establishment is to intimidate conservatives exercising their First Amendment rights by having a police contingent walk up and confront them – when no police are necessary at all.

Of course, liberals rarely get that treatment when they are lobbying. They are usually ignored by police. And conservatives, unlike what we so often see from liberals, don’t threaten people, swear, spit on people, assault people, or destroy property.

A total of six sheriff's deputies suddenly showed up. Here three of them confront one of the California MassResistance activists.

Outside the entrance to the event, these two California MassResistance activists look on as the police move in.

But California MassResistance activists have been trained in its First Amendment rights and do not back down to intimidation tactics. When police sense that are not intimidated, they usually become much more reasonable and accommodating.

3. In the office of State Sen. Ben Allen in Redondo Beach

Sen. Ben Allen is a moderate Democrat who voted for SB 1146 back in June. We want to make sure that if it passes the Assembly and comes back to the Senate, he gets the clear message that he needs to vote “no” and also must encourage his colleagues to oppose it!

MassResistance California made an appointment for four of our activists to meet with the Senator’s staff. When the four got there, there were two California Highway Patrolmen also standing in the office. The excuse was that the police were expecting a protest outside the building, and were there “just to make sure you guys are peaceful people.” There was no protest, but the police stayed in the room and at the doorway of the conference room during their meeting.

As the the activists walked into Sen. Allen's office suite for their scheduled appointment, the first thing they saw were two California state troopers looking back at them.

In the conference room, Arthur Schaper, along with another California MassResistance activist, makes a point.

At the other end of the table, two of Sen. Allen's staffers listen as a State Trooper stands at the door watching.

Afterwards, the activists pose next to the police car!

California MassResistance made it clear that they weren’t intimidated by the police presence. They gave a detailed presentation about SB 1146 to the two staff members who met with them, and were emphatic that the Senator needed to strongly oppose this bill, which essentially robs Christian colleges of their First Amendment rights. The staffers seemed to listen intently and sincerely. See video below:

VIDEO: California MassResistance visitsState Sen. Ben Allen's office in Redondo Beach. Sen. Allen had voted for SB 1146 in the Senate back in June. (7 min 20 sec)

If you live in California and want to get involved – even if it’s just making calls – contact us!

Making the point as clearly as possible!


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