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Pro-family activism that makes a difference! | ||||
MassResistance testifies at “transgender non-discrimination bill” hearing in Mass. Legislature. Confronts politicians’ acceptance of absurd concept!Shows big difference in tactics within the pro-family community.POSTED: Oct 14, 2015Part 2 in our series: National LGBT push for “transgender anti-discrimination” laws comes to Massachusetts. Representatives of MassResistance directly confronted the “transgender” issue before the politicians. It’s an important first step in this fight.
On Tuesday, October 6, the Joint Judiciary Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature held a public hearing on the transgender non-discrimination bill regarding public accommodations. It included hours of emotional LGBT propaganda and the Democrat-dominated committee was lapping it up. Differences in approach by our sideThe LGBT movement across the country is very single-minded when lobbying politicians for their aggressive “transgender public accommodations” laws that target restaurants, stores, public restrooms, health clubs, etc. Their message: It’s all about civil rights and stopping “discrimination against transgender citizens.” It’s a strong appeal to the emotions.
Of course, they don’t talk about the transgender behaviors. And unfortunately, our side usually gives them a free pass on those unpleasant issues such as behavior, by not talking about them, either. For example, during the “gay marriage” fight, the pro-family establishment avoided criticizing homosexuality and instead talked about children needing a mother and father. That approach failed terribly. It caused “gay marriage” to became easier for judges and politicians to accept. In this fight, establishment pro-family groups generally concede that “transgender citizens” are a legitimate group deserving of certain rights. But they vehemently oppose the use of public restrooms and locker rooms by those of the opposite biological sex (though some say they are willing to let that go if people have had “actual” sex-change surgery). Thus, there was a lot of “anti-bathroom bill” testimony from mainstream pro-family groups at the hearing. That brought out some counter-testimony from the other side (and several politicians) claiming the threat of anti-social behavior in bathrooms was being greatly exaggerated. MassResistance and other front-line groups believe in a completely different approach. We have seen over the years what ultimately works and what doesn’t for our side. Avoiding confrontation and wanting to appear “reasonable” to liberals doesn’t work. Standing one’s ground from the very beginning on the entire issue is the only strategy that wins in the long run for conservatives. MassResistance testimony before the legislatureEven though we were among the very first to sign up to testify that day, the Committee made us wait quite a while before allowing us to do so, while others who signed up afterwards went first. We have a feeling they were hoping we wouldn’t stick around. But we did. We told it like it is. In all, there was over seven hours of testimony that day. But the committee members didn’t hear anything else like this: Testimony of Brian Camenker of MassResistance: I think we should step back from the collective hysteria on this issue. It's too bad that George Orwell can't be here today to testify. This bill, Bill H1577, forces the public to believe and accept a lie. No person can change his or her sex. It's impossible. Caitlyn Jenner is a he, not a she. This is a battle against truth, to the average person. If some people are so psychologically disoriented and want to indulge themselves in that delusion, if they want to wear clothes of the opposite sex, mutilate their bodies, and parade their perversions around, it's a free country; they can do that. And these days, as we know, there are many corporations, businesses, restaurants, bars, and even health clubs that are willing to cater to that. But others aren't, and that's not unreasonable. A lot of people realize that those people need real mental health help. You should talk to some ex-transgenders as I have, and you will realize that. But there is a progressive mindset that public officials are much more enlightened than the rest of us on these issues. So we get the phony civil rights metaphors and the hijacking of legitimate civil rights laws to force everyone, whether they like it or not, to embrace whatever perversion, or what have you, is popular these days. Of course, rather than seriously debate this, it's usually easier to call someone a bigot or a hater or otherwise try to intimidate people on this. And that happens much more than you all realize. Last month, a bar owner in Oregon was fined $400,000 because he told a group of men wearing women's clothes that it was making the other customers uncomfortable. This is where it's going and there's a well-organized effort legally to push those kinds of fines. I don't how many on this committee have actually read this bill. It's very aggressive. People can get fined, jailed, sued for damages, and charged punitive damages for not only simply making a distinction, but somehow inciting a distinction. When I first walked into this building 22 years ago, if I would have told people that someday they would be seriously debating a bill like this, they wouldn't have said, 'Wow that sounds like progress." They would have thought I'd lost my mind. That's the context of this law in all of history. And as soon as this bubble of madness passes, it will get back to normal. So I urge you: don't buy into the hysteria; don't buy into the phony civil rights arguments. Stand back and reject this lunacy. Testimony of Johnny Russo, MassResistance activist:
Mr. Russo talked about medical issues that are being ignored. His testimony included: Dr. [Paul] McHugh, who was a John Hopkins university doctor, did a lot of transgender procedures about 10 years ago. And he came to the conclusion that in most cases this actually caused a worse condition than before. So this is one of the things here we've got to be very careful about. The studies [you look at] should include those who failed at this. Interestingly, there were no “rebuttals,” come-backs, or challenges to our testimony from members of the committee. They just stared at us. And they need to hear this a lot more. Over the coming weeks we certainly plan to continue.
Even if you couldn’t make it to the hearing, there’s still time to act. They haven’t decided to move the bill forward yet. You can still submit testimony to the committee. You can mail, fax, or email your testimony here:
And if you live in Massachusetts, continue to call your state reps and senators! COMING UP: Part 3: The transgender “lobby day” you at the State House. |
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