Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Pride Week in Boston: A week of public homosexuality -- with new focus on kids

POSTED: June 7, 2013

Last Friday was just the beginning. All this past week, and through Sunday, downtown Boston has had one "gay" event after another including even outdoor downtown "block parties."

Unbiased? Channel 5 is all over the "Pride Week" website with their "out gay" weatherman.

And as in past years, during this time tourists to Boston often wander into some depraved "public event" and have no idea what's going on or why. And the Pride Committee's message -- backed by the politicians -- is pretty clear: Get used to it.

A growing focus on getting kids involved

Years ago, Gay Pride Week -- as weird as it was -- was largely only about adults who might dress and act like children. But a disturbing trend in recent years has been to include activities to attract teenagers as young as middle school age. There seems to be a very strong interest by adult activists to get kids involved with the "gay" festivities.

For example, last year for the first time, the Boston Pride Committee took over the "Youth Pride" event which was held this year in Boston on May 18 for middle school and high school kids. (We have a full report on that coming up, with video.) It was VERY disturbing.

Scene from May 18 "Youth Pride" event run by adult Boston Pride Committee. The homosexual movement wants kids to feel comfortable experimenting with homosexuality.
[MassResistance photo]

And this Saturday night the Boston Pride Committee is putting on a "Boston Youth Pride Dance" in downtown Boston for kids "under 21" (as they also did last year). The dance is right in City Hall Plaza the night following the adult parade and festival, so there will be plenty of gay adults around cruising that area. The Boston Pride people were at Youth Pride, handing out info encouraging youth to come to this.