As presidential primaries begin, MassResistance again in foreground across country as ex-governor Romney voices support for "gay agenda."
Calls from national media, state activists, and more
POSTED: Jan. 8, 2012
Calls and emails have been coming in from across the country.
As we've recently reported, former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney publicly re-stated his support for homosexual "rights" in America while campaigning in Iowa last month. This included his agreement with the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in the military; he said he wouldn't reverse that. He does say that marriage itself should be one man and one woman — but that homosexual relationships should be recognized, respected, and supported.
Romney discusses his views on "gay rights" with the editorial board of the Des Moines Register. See video here. |
And now as (in 2006) MassResistance is being contacted by activists from primary states around the country, and by national media. Over the years MassResistance has extensively documented the sordid 2003 "gay marriage" court ruling, the government's complicity in the homosexual agenda in the schools, and other related troubling issues. And from his candidacy for Governor (2002), through his administration (Jan. 2003-Jan. 2007), Romney and his administration were in the thick of it.
Gov. Romney (right) and MassResistance president Brian Camenker at a Republican event in happier times. |

Here's the latest MassResistance-related media:
- Associated Press article:"Romney charity used for conservative donations" (Dec. 23, 2011)
In 2006 MassResistance raised the concern that Gov. Romney was donating money to state pro-family groups and national conservative groups, such as the Heritage Foundation, and later these groups endorsed either Romney's policies or Romney himself. We revealed that Romney also gave money to the radical Massachusetts homosexual group "AIDS Action Committee." This recent AP article updates those findings and quotes MassResistance.
- WorldNetDaily article on MassResistance video clips: "Hot new videos turning voters off Romney? Candidate's own words out East come back to haunt him" (Jan. 5, 2012)
In the week before the Iowa caucuses, MassResistance emailed a collection of Romney video clips to Iowa Republican activists — his own words on abortion, gay rights, immigration, Ronald Reagan, guns, etc. Apparently, the activists forwarded them to others, and it went "viral" across Iowa and beyond! The national conservative news site WorldNetDaily caught wind of it and ran a lead article!
In his own words: See Collection of Romney Video Clips
"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, and I am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard."
— Televised debate while running for Massachusetts governor, 2002. |

- Press release by Orthodox Rabbis group: On Dec. 26, 2011 the 850 member Orthodox Rabbinical Alliance of America sent out a press release condemning Romney's support of homosexual "rights," and also held a press conference. Both the press release and press conference center on MassResistance researcher Amy Contrada's book "The Mitt Romney Deception" as the major source of information on these matters.
- Deroy Murdock syndicated column: "Mitt and Gay Marriage" (Dec. 30, 2011) Nationally syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock published a column taking Mitt Romney to task on "gay marriage" inconsistencies in Massachusetts, using information that we had brought up in 2006 and 2007 plus some new research. Online versions of his column link to the MassResistance website for the marriage certificate of homosexual activist former state senator Jarrett Barrios and his "husband," referenced in the article.
- NBC "Hardball": On Friday afternoon, the MassResistance office got a call from NBC's national TV show "Hardball" asking for information regarding RomneyCare in Massachusetts, for their show Friday night.
- New $4.95 E-Book Book by Amy Contrada: "How 'Gay Marriage' Came to Massachusetts: Governor Mitt Romney's Failure in a Constitutional Crisis." As a response to a renewed demand for documentation on how "gay marriage" came to Massachusetts and the complicity of the Romney administration, this past week MassResistance researcher Amy Contrada published a $4.95 E-Book, which includes the complete relevant information from her larger 640-page book published last summer. This has all the sordid details and more from what is arguably the greatest political bungle in pro-family history.
In addition, MassResistance has indirectly worked with most of this year's GOP presidential campaigns. We have also been in contact with activists in the upcoming primary states.
These issues are VERY important to many Republicans, especially as the races get tighter, and MassResistance continues to be the source around the country for thorough information. And there's more to come!
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