MassResistance featured on major pro-family radio in British Columbia!
Fearless pro-family broadcast that openly defies Canadian censors and "hate speech" tribunals
POSTED: July 17, 2011

Up in Canada the homosexual agenda is, in many ways, accelerating faster than here in the US, particularly in the schools. And since Canada does not have a First Amendment, the government can censor the media for trumped-up "hate" speech.
But in British Columbia longtime pro-family activist Kari Simpson and her team broadcast fearless news and commentary on issues and battles for freedoms and liberties of Canadians on a popular weekly show called RoadKill Radio -- openly defying the Canadian censors and "hate speech" tribunals.
On Tuesday, July 12, Brian Camenker of MassResistance was interviewed on their show. It was a pretty lively!