Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Newly appointed lesbian Mass. Supreme Court Judge speaks at fundraiser for radical gay group

Clear violation of Code of Judicial Conduct.
File a complaint! (see below)

POSTED: July 17, 2011

Two days after being formally confirmed to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial COurt, Judge Barbara Lenk (an "out" lesbian activist) was a featured speaker at a fundraiser for the radical Massachusetts LGBTQ ("Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer") Bar Association.

The Massachusetts Code of Judicial Conduct forbids judges from being a speaker at an organization's fundraising event. Lenk's participation that evening was a clear -- and arrogant -- public violation of that Code.

(A similar situation occurred when Justice Margaret Marshall was keynote speaker at the group's 1999 dinner. MassResistance--then Article 8 Alliance--Massachusetts News, and others brought this up as a disqualifier at the timeMarshall issued her "gay marriage" ruling. But the major media ignored it.)

Judge Barbara Lenk (center) flanked by former Chief Justice Margaret Marshall receives award at May 6 Mass. LGBTQ Bar Assoc. meeting. [Mass. LGBTQ Bar Assoc. photo]

This is a person who will be shaping the legal landscape of Massachusetts for years to come!

During confirmation process: Hostility to pro-family concerns

When Barbara Lenk was nominated to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) on April 4 by Governor Deval Patrick, the media and the liberal establishment lectured everyone that her "sexual orientation" must have no bearing on her qualifications as a judge in the highest and most powerful court in the Commonwealth.

SEE MassResistance full report on
Judge Barbara Lenk confirmation

At Lenk's confirmation hearing on April 27, Governor's Council members were rude and even abusive to pro-family witnesses who expressed concern at a lesbian activist on the state's highest court. And they ignored most of the issues we brought up.

When the Council members met on May 4 and took their vote to confirm Lenk, they continued their abuse in their public comments. Councilor Jennie Caissie described the pro-family testimony as "irrelevant and ignorant." Councilor Marilyn Devaney said that testimony regarding homosexual behavior should be banned!

Afterwards Devaney told the press that Lenk is "most brilliant" and is a judge "without bias" who "has the highest ethics."

And throughout the confirmation period, through multiple editorials the Boston Globe lectured us all that Lenk's "experience and ethics" - not her "sexuality" - should assure her confirmation. [At right: Boston Globe lead editorial on May 4, 2011]

Of course, it turns out that we were right all along. In fact, Lenk is more arrogant and condescending towards traditional values than even we had anticipated.

Two days after confirmation: Helping raise money for radical homosexual group!

On May 6, two days after Lenk's formal confirmation, she was a featured speaker at the Massachusetts LGBTQ Bar Association's annual fundraising dinner.

As the LGBTQ Bar Assn. spring newsletter bragged, Lenk was a big hit:

Message from the Co-Chairs

Dear Members of the Mass LGBTQ Bar:

Thank you to so many of you who attended the 2011 Annual Dinner, our largest annual dinner in the history of our organization! We were honored to hear from incoming Supreme Judicial Court Justice Barbara Lenk . . .

Attendees exceeded the Board's $4,000 matching challenge grant for the Scholarship by pledging over $9,000 for a one-night total of $13,000 . . .

Download entire Mass LGBTQ Assn spring newsletter HERE

Lenk's appearance was also the major emphasis in the local homosexual press regarding that event.

Also speaking that night were recently retired Chief Justice Margaret Marshall (see photo above). In addition, current Superior Court Judge (and openly lesbian) Linda Giles participated, according to press reports. (She famously ruled cross-dressing "transgender" children had to be accepted in Mass. public schools.) Marshall was never shy about her bias and passionate support for the homosexual movement. Giles, by participating in the event, was also likely violating the Code of Judicial Conduct. More arrogance.

A clear violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct

In 2003 the Supreme Judicial Court (including Margaret Marshall as Chief Justice) issued an updated version of the Code of Judicial Conduct. This new version included both the code itself and also the SJC's commentary and explanation after every section. It covers this issue pretty clearly.

  Mass. Commission on Judicial Conduct

  Download the Code of Judicial Conduct with commentary

The relevant language is in section 4C(3)(b) and subsection (iv):


4C(3)(b) A judge as an officer, director, trustee, non-legal advisor, or member of an organization described in Section 4C(3) ["an organization or agency devoted to the improvement of the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice; or any educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organization that is not conducted for profit or for the economic or political advantage of its members"] or in any other capacity as to such an organization:

(iv) shall not use or permit the use of the prestige of the judicial office for fund-raising or membership solicitation.

Commentary to Section 4C(3)(b):

A judge must not be a speaker or guest of honor at an organization's fund-raising event, but mere attendance at such an event is permissible if otherwise consistent with this Code. A fund-raising event is one where the sponsors' aim is to raise money to support the organization's activities beyond the event itself.

Also relevant to this is Section 4A(1):

4A. Extrajudicial Activities in General. A judge shall conduct all of the judge's extrajudicial activities so that they do not:

(1) cast reasonable doubt on the judge's capacity to act impartially as a judge.

There is no question that Lenk's enthusiastic participation with a radical homosexual advocacy group casts enormous doubt on her capacity to be impartial.

At the time of the event, May 6, Lenk had been confirmed as an SJC Associate Justice but was officially still an Appellate Court judge. She was sworn in as SJC Associate Justice on June 8.

Just how radical is the "LGBTQ Bar Association"?

Judging from its activities, The LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer) Bar Association, which Judge Barbara Lenk helped to raise money for, is a radical organization that is dedicated to changing society. (They've only recently added "Queer" to their group's name. It's not clear what it means.)

As their spring newsletter indicates, their involvements include:

  • Lobbying for the Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill (H502), which forces the acceptance of transgenderism, cross-dressing, and similar behaviors throughout society -- including schools, businesses, public accommodations, and even rest rooms -- with draconian punishments for non-compliance.

    Getting the Transgender Bill passed is a major goal of this group. Their activities have included lobbying at the State House, organizing, circulating petitions, and at least one state-wide phone bank event.

    From the spring newsletter:

  • Working closely with GLSEN. The "Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network" is a national homosexual organization that targets children in the public schools. Founded by homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, GLSEN has a long history of aggressively pushing homosexuality and transgenderism to schoolchildren.  Some of GLSEN's outrageous activities have included the "Fistgate" conference, distribution of the Little Black Book, and other homosexual and transgender related activities.

    GLSEN's national Executive Director was the keynote speaker at the May 6 event where Judge Barbara Lenk spoke.

    The Mass LGBTQ Bar also led a GLSEN training workshop focusing on "transgender and gender non-conforming youth" at GLSEN's recent Conference in Cambridge earlier this year.
  • Getting more GLBT judges confirmed in Massachusetts. A major activity of the LGBTQ Bar Assn. is greasing the political skids to funnel more homosexual (and transgender!) nominees up the path to become judges. They see this as a powerful way to change society. And it's every pro-family parent's nightmare.

Transgender madness:

Also from the Mass LGBTQ Newsletter.
We're not making this up. This is their notice for candidates for their Board of Directors!

(Their contact person for this nonsense is a lawyer at Ropes and Gray in Boston!)

Pro-family concerns during hearing proven correct!

As you can see in the videos of testimony during Lenk's public hearing, there were two main concerns by pro-family witnesses. Both were treated with derision and scorn by the Governor's Council. And both were procen correct in Lenk's support of the LGBTQ Bar Association:

(1) Concern that Lenk would help promote homosexual issues: The LGBTQ Bar Association is aggressively lobbying for the Transgender Bill, possibly the most radical homosexual legislation ever seriously considered in Massachusetts.

(2) Concern that Lenk would support homosexuality in the schools: The keynote speaker at this event was the national Executive Director of GLSEN, the most aggressive homosexual group in the country pushing homosexual programs in the schools targeting children.

Overwhelming in-your-face arrogance

It's hard to describe how arrogant and "in-your-face" this was. To be publicly helping raise money for an aggressive homosexual-transgender-queer activist group just two days after her confirmation, Lenk was thumbing her nose at everyone with traditional values.

And she's showing us that all of this talk about "judge me on my legal record only" was just a sham, that she's been a biased activist all along and intends to continue to be as a Supreme Court Justice.

Take action: File an official complaint against Judge Lenk!

This action by Judge Lenk is as outrageous a breach of judicial conduct as anything imaginable. Citizens must not take it silently. Is this how you want judges to behave?

If this outrages you, we encourage you to file an official complaint on this matter against Barbara Lenk.

The Commission on Judicial Conduct ("CJC") is the state agency responsible for investigating complaints of judicial misconduct against state court judges and for recommending, when necessary, discipline of judges to the Supreme Judicial Court.

Commission on Judicial Conduct home page


Filing an official complaint of judicial misconduct is a matter of filling out a two-page form and mailing it to the Commission on Judicial Conduct.

Take action: Download the official complaint form HERE

Not sure what to write? Here are directions and sample text

Fill out the form, sign it, and mail it to:

Commission on Judicial Conduct
Executive Director
11 Beacon Street, Suite 525
Boston, MA 02108

(There appears to be no requirement you live in Massachusetts to do this.)

This is VERY IMPORTANT activism!  Also, please let us know when you've filed your complaint!