Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Fill out the complaint form!

Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct page

Download the official complaint form here

     Page 1

     Page 2

On Page 1 of the complaint form:

Fill out the following fields with your personal information:

* Your name
* Address
* Zip Code
* Daytime telephone

* Name of judge:

Barbara Lenk

* Date(s) of misconduct:

May 6, 2011

* A summary of the general nature of your complaint [Sample entry]:

Judge Lenk was a featured speaker at a fundraiser for a nonprofit advocacy and lobbying group.  This is a violation of 4C(3)(b) and subsection (iv) of the Code of Judicial Conduct. 

This public appearance clearly calls into question her capacity to act impartially, and thus is also a violation of 4A(1) of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

NOTE: The other fields on Page 1 can be left blank.

On page 2 of the complaint form:

* Specific facts [Sample entry]:

On May 6, 2011, Judge Lenk was a featured speaker at a fundraiser for the Massachusetts LGBTQ Bar Association, a nonprofit advocacy and lobbying group.  This is a clear violation of 4C(3)(b) and subsection (iv) of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

The Massachusetts LGBTQ Bar Association is an advocate for controversial homosexual and transgender issues and legislation. It actively lobbies in the State House.  This public appearance calls into question Judge Lenk's capacity to act impartially. Thus, Lenk’s involvement on May 6, 2011 is also a violation of 4A(1) of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

Sign and date it.

Mail it to:

Commission on Judicial Conduct
Executive Director
11 Beacon Street, Suite 525
Boston, MA 02108