MassResistance on front lines of "gay marriage" fight in Maryland
Bill gets stalled in House committee as 2 sponsors get cold feet!
(VIDEO and AUDIO below)
POSTED: March 4, 2011
MassResistance has continued to be in the thick of the fight to stop the "gay marriage" bill in the Maryland State Assembly.
Suddenly stalled in committee!
On Tuesday, March 1, the House Judiciary Committee seemed a sure shoo-in for advancing the bill to the full House, but the bill has suddenly stalled there. Yesterday two key Committee members who are co-sponsors of the "gay marriage" bill -- after sitting through last Friday's public hearing -- have now told the press they aren't sure they still support it. Late yesterday, and again this morning, the committee postponed the vote.
Baltimore Sun: "Same-sex marriage bill in peril - Co-sponsors surprise delegates by holding up passage"
A week of strong pro-family action
As we've reported, the "gay marriage" bill in Maryland passed the State Senate 25-21 and went to the House. Last Friday, Feb. 25, the House Judiciary Committee held a public hearing on the bill. (See #2 below.) And all last week, the pro-family movement in Maryland stepped up the heat incredibly!
Despite an effort by certain conservative groups to be low-key, polite, and "moderate", the pro-family movement in Maryland is in no mood for that. MassResistance materials became part of a loud wake-up call across the state and were used by the pro-family movement to show what will happen there if this becomes law. (We've provided materials to both activists and friendly politicians.) MassResistance has been working closely with activists from ProtectMarriageMaryland. We've held two conference calls, and have also activated over 100 MassResistance people in Maryland.
Camenker of MassResistance on drive-time
morning radio in Baltimore
Last Wednesday, before the hearing, Brian Camenker of MassResistance was interviewed during morning drive-time on WCBM radio in Baltimore. WCBM is the 50,000 watt station in Baltimore that hosts the Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Michael Savage shows.
AUDIO: Interviewed on the "Sean and Frank" morning show, Camenker warned Marylanders what "gay marriage" would bring to the state, and the nature of the homosexual political movement. (It was great to be on a real pro-marriage show, that was not "politically correct"!)

MassResistance material goes to legislators & across state
Maryland activists have made good use of the MassResistance information on What same-sex "marriage" has done to Massachusetts and the federal judge's ruling against parents in the David Parker case (regarding homosexuality taught to kids without parents' knowledge or consent because of same-sex "marriage"). The Kevin Jennings material has stirred people up, too.
But our report on The Little Black Book: Queer in the 21st century, given to kids at Brookline High School, has really scared people. Copies of that were hand-delivered to most of the Maryland Senators and House members by parents. And according to news reports, it was mailed across the state by pro-marriage House members.
TV report on pro-family push - including "Little Black Book"!
VIDEO: Watch this ABC local news report on the pro-family push, including how our report on "The Little Black Book" (including x-rated excerpts) is making big waves in the Maryland marriage battle.
Notice in the video above: The "Little Black Book" (right) has bee sent to people across Maryland to show them what has happened in Massachusetts! |
Pro-family movement keeping up the pressure
We are continuing to work with activists from ProtectMarriageMaryland. They are a dedicated group, a role model for the rest of us. We've tried our best to help them from our experience here.
Here's an example of one of the many emails we've received from one of their activists.:
I want you to know that you really inspired Carol P. with your positive attitude on Friday [second conference call]. She is raring to go, and really appreciated your can-do spirit, as I do. She is trying to arrange for you to be on some news shows here, and I hope the two of you connect on that.
Thank you so much for your time and moral support through these difficult waters.
We'd like to add that the Maryland state Republican Party has really stepped up to the plate on this. They have done pro-marriage robo-calls, mailings, and heavy lobbying. As we've reported, the Maryland Senate Republican Minority Leader was forced to resign his position because he supported civil unions! (This is a refreshing contrast to, say, the quisling Massachusetts Republican Party which openly supports "gay marriage".)