Owner of New England Patriots to be keynote speaker at corporate "LGBT Networking Session" in Boston
Arrogantly thumbing nose at pro-family fans
POSTED: Feb. 9, 2011
New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, fresh from a humiliating playoff loss to the New York Jets, has decided to stick it in the eye of pro-family people by being the keynote speaker of a big "LGBT Executive Networking" event in Boston on Feb. 25. It's an event to attempt to solidify open support for the homosexual and transgender agenda in Massachusetts corporations.
The Boston Herald published this picture of Kraft wearing a pink tie, accompanying the article. |
As the Boston Herald reports, big business is pushing homosexuality and transgenderism in a big way:
Robert Kraft signs on to have gay old time
By Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa with Megan Johnson
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
See article on Herald web site
New England Patriots pooh-bah Robert Kraft will be the keynote speaker at a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender networking session -- which, according to the organizer, is the first time the owner of one of the city's premiere sports teams will headline a major event for gays.
"It's groundbreaking, absolutely groundbreaking," said David Zimmerman, whose Boston Spirit maggie is putting on the fourth annual LGBT Executive Networking Night later this month. "Once again the New England Patriots and its ownership are leading the way in professional sports."
Zimmerman said he lobbied Kraft to accept the invite by appealing to the Pats owner's "good business sense" and trailblazing nature.
"I've always seen the Patriots as being pretty open-minded," he said.
But the pigskin czar doesn't consider his participation in the session as particularly groundbreaking. When asked why he decided to do it, Kraft replied "Why wouldn't I?"
Patriots spokesman Stacey James said the owner gets scores of invitations to speak every year and "probably declines more than he accepts." But James said the organizers of the LGBT event were flexible and could work around Kraft's schedule.
Zimmerman said he is expecting more than 1,000 business professionals at the event, which is sponsored by heavy-hitting corporate types such as U.S. Trust, Fidelity, TD Bank, Eastern Bank and Blue Cross Blue Shield.
"I expect that he will talk a little bit about the current business climate and the economy," said Zimmerman. "And maybe about the social barrier that exists between professional sports and the gay community, and we'll see where that goes."
The Feb. 23 event at the Boston Marriott Copley Place is open to the public, but you must RSVP in advance at bostonspiritmagazine.com. Do tell 'em the Track sent you!
Here's the description of the event on Boston Spirit Magazine's website.
Contact Kraft's front office:
Want to sound off? A big reason that people like Kraft do this is that they think they can get away with it, that we’re simply stupid and backwards and not “progressive” like they are, and that we won’t react. Let Kraft know what you think.
Email the Patriots front office HERE
(select “front office” from the drop-down box).