Citizens fight back against depraved anti-Semitic, homosexual musical play at high school.
See the shocking VIDEO posted by citizens!
POSTED: March 5, 2011
A vile, homosexual-themed anti-Semitic musical play that was performed at Concord-Carlisle High School (CCHS) in December 2009 is the subject of community outrage.
The high school has long been a center of aggressive homosexual indoctrination and the accompanying hostility toward religious belief. Intimidation of students and parents with traditional religious values has become an everyday occurrence there. Recently a group of CCHS teachers publicly "came out" as homosexuals and lesbians to a group of students - and encouraged the students to do the same -- in a widely celebrated after-school event.
But this was possibly the most outrageous and insulting public activity ever by a Massachusetts high school. This was (according to press reports) the first time a high school had performed "Falsettos", a vulgar homosexual-themed play that is blatantly anti-Semitic and mocking of the Jewish religion and its traditions. It's hard to believe that anyone would even write something so hideous, much less have kids be a part of it. The play was directed by Peter Atlas, a long time homosexual activist and CCHS faculty member who was an early collaborator with GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings, currently Obama's "Safe Schools" czar.
At the time of the play's production, the MassResistance's report on it caused enough waves in Concord that the Boston Globe's local edition published a puff article celebrating the school's production of the play.
Outrage from Orthodox rabbis
Last year Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the national Orthodox Rabbinical Alliance of America, sent a letter to the Concord Superintendent of Schools condemning the play and demanding an apology, after having been informed about it by the citizens group.
Unfortunately, the reaction from the Concord school officials and town officials has been condescending toward the Rabbi's comments, and hostility and defiance toward the concerned citizens. The high school principal says that the play "It's about love, it's about caring . . . " The Superintendent says that the play is about "diversity."
Making a video to tell the story
But a group of Concord and Carlisle citizens find the play so overwhelmingly offensive that they are fighting back and taking on the town's liberal establishment. Concord citizen Lee Ann Kay, whose two children went through Concord schools, is bravely leading the charge.
Lee Ann and some others meticulously produced a video exposing the depravities of the CCHS production and making a case for a vote of condemnation at the upcoming Town Meeting in late April.
VIDEO by Concord citizens, led by Lee Ann Kay, exposing
this hideous school play for the upcoming Town Meeting.
An angry backlash from the liberal establishment has begun. Pro-gay and anti-religious activists innundated YouTube and persuaded them to remove it. But ultimately the play is indefensible The harder they try to defend the play, the more they try to demonize Lee Ann and the others, in a sense the weirder and more comical the liberals look.
This is a fight that needs to be fought. We applaud Lee Ann and her brave friends in Concord and Carlisle.
YouTube removes citizens' video on "Falsettos" play after pressure from pro-gay activists.
Within 48 hours after Lee Ann Kay's video on "Falsettos" for the Concord Town Meeting was posted, YouTube suddenly removed the video from the MassResistance channel. (It's been re-posted on this site.)
It was done under rather unusual circumstances. According to YouTube's own policies, if a video is removed the channel owner is notified and one of two reasons is given for the removal: that the video either (a) violated YouTube's community guidelines, or (b) is a copyright violation. The channel owner is also given an opportunity to appeal the removal.
But in this case no notification, no official reason, and no opportunity for appeal the removal was given. There was simply a "content inappropriate" label put on the video's area in the channel, and a "terms of service" violation label on the video itself. But beyond that, we're not told anything.
Despite numerous attempts to communicate to YouTube, they have not responded. At one point we were able to contact a YouTube customer support rep - a human being! - who told us she had never seen that happen before, didn't know anything about it, and had no way of finding out. She suggested that we re-upload the video. We did so, and it was immediately removed again.
Here's what you see when you try to look at the video on YouTube. But we're not told anything further. |

Is this a political action? There's no question that this video has immensely enraged the homosexual community and general anti-religious activists in Concord. The light of day shown on their activities with children really angers them. It appears from comments we've seen and received, and "ratings" on the video that there was an organized effort by pro-homosexual activists to get it removed. YouTube is part of Google -- well known as a pro-homosexual company which regularly participates in homosexual "gay pride" parades around the country.
(Interestingly, last year someone posted a five minute clip from the CCHS performance last year, but no one complained.)
They definitely don't want this to be widely seen by members of the community, or around the country. The video is now re-posted on our site: