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MassResistance Special Report on repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" -- what you need to know:
POSTED: Dec 20, 20101. CONGRESS VOTES TO HOMOSEXUALIZE US MILITARY. Scott Brown abandons his pro-family base and votes with Democrats. We can't over-emphasize the terrible thing that's happening to America.
Top military leaders rallying for homosexualiltyBut even worse, our top military leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of Defense, aggressively supported integrating homosexuality into the US military and actively lobbied members of Congress to repeal DADT. (It's a sad testament to the mental state of the people running our military. We're only lucky this wacky bunch wasn't in charge during WWII.) What they didn't talk aboutAs expected, this was celebrated in the gushing liberal media: in the newspapers, on TV, on the radio, and on the web. "A great civil rights victory," etc., etc.
The fact that this was done by an angry homosexual activist in the US military has been virtually ignored by the entire mainstream media and just about all the conservative media. Nor were any members of Congress, either Republican or Democrat, willing to bring that up. 2. WHAT IT MEANS: Massive triumph for homosexual movement. Unbelievable changes to US military.What does this all mean? This is poised to change the US military in ways that are extremely profound. The homosexualization of the schools will be nothing compared to what the homosexual movement is about to do in the military. "Tolerance" is just the first step toward diversity training and forced acceptance of the whole range of homosexual and transgender behaviors. The ensuing moral breakdown, medical issues, and psychological chaos and its effect on the world's most powerful military force can barely be imagined right now. You think the "gay pride week" activities are bad? You think that homosexual movement's aggressive vitriol against traditional values and those who hold them is frightening now? Wait until a generation of "gay" military officers and commanders are in charge. There will be no stopping it.
And as we reported earlier, on "World AIDS Day," earlier this month the Massachusetts homosexual lobby group MassEquality admitted this in an email to their supporters: Gay and bisexual men continue to be among the hardest hit by this epidemic in the United States. They are 44 times more likely than the general population to become HIV positive, and an estimated one in five gay and bisexual men living in urban areas who frequent gay bars and nightclubs are HIV positive. Rates of HIV infection among Black gay and bisexual men are twice as high as those of white gay and bisexual men. With open homosexuality being supported in the close quarters of the military, what do YOU think will happen? Another result: Enlisted personnel (and veterens') medical costs will rise considerably. How their activists see it: As we've reported, at the homosexual GLSEN conference held in Somerville this past March, there was a workshop on repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell." (We had someone there in attendance.) It was very revealing. In that workshop one homosexual serviceman talked about men having sex with each other in the barracks -- and the officers looking the other way. They saw this as progress, which the repeal of DADT will accelerate. Most of our "leaders" who are pushing this have no idea what they're in for. Military moving forward to integrate homosexualityThe military leadership has already made it clear that their attitude will be very aggressive. Last month Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced that military people who have a problem with homosexuality are free to find another job, or may not want to join the service to begin with. He added that the military would treat homosexuality "with respect" and that soldiers who ask for separate berthing or shower facilities will probably not be accommodated and instead might want to quit. And this is just the beginning. Today the Associated Press quoted military experts saying that "Pretty much all the heated discussion is over and now it's a matter of the more mundane aspects of implementing the law" and that there would likely be immediate "training and education" -- in other words, forced homosexual diversity training. The article goes on to say: Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos, who had argued against the policy change, said in a statement Sunday the Corps "will step out smartly to faithfully implement this new policy" and that he would "personally lead this effort, thus ensuring the respect and dignity due all Marines." In the old days they talked about "God and country." Now it's just "we'll just follow the rules and keep getting our paychecks." Massive social experiment . . . and a predictable reactionEven now the the military is becoming the butt of "gay" jokes, bringing to light the obvious issues surrounding homosexual behavior. And with good reason. This is a social experiment of massive proportions. The US military is a unique kind of organization and homosexuality has myriad innate, destructive issues. Get ready for more of this . . . It's not just a joke anymore.
Unfortunately, what will actually happen is very serious. Do Scott Brown and his new friends really care? 3. HOW IT HAPPENED - Part I: Huge behind-the-scenes campaign by homosexual movement.This one was obviously in the tank for a while. Minutes after the US Senate voted for the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell," the Capitol Hill news agency Roll Call published a photo of Sen. Joe Lieberman and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with Joe Solmonese, president of the national homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign, leaving Reid's office to hold a news conference about the repeal of policy.
This clearly did not happen by accident. It was a result of a massive, sophisticated campaign by the national and local homosexual lobbies. At the very top, the head of the nation's largest homosexual lobby group was working hand in glove with the US Senate leadership on this. Most pro-family groups had no clue this was going on. And that was just the very tip of the iceberg. This was a huge, extremely sophisticated, well-funded, and largely behind-the-scenes months-long pressure and propaganda campaign directed at key members of Congress that worked perfectly. It involved thousands of homosexual activists and left-wing allies. From what we've seen, it was done in conjunction with statewide homosexual groups and other national groups, including the ACLU. As we've already reported, Scott Brown was the target of a (successful) intensive ten-month lobbying campaign by the Massachusetts and national groups, which started about a month after he was elected. And in the end, Brown caved in completely and abandoned his friends, supporters, and (supposed) principles.
This campaign was up and running since at least early 2009. By June 2009, they already had a well-staffed booth in Boston's Fanueil Hall Marketplace during Gay Pride Week. There was obviously a lot of money behind it from the beginning. Unfortunately, the pro-family movement wasn't paying attention, barely had a clue what was happening and is only now piecing together what hit them.
On top of that, no one imagined that the current US military leadership would become so passionately pro-homosexual and actually support the homosexual lobby's push for the repeal. By the time they issued their phony "Pentagon report," we simply didn't know how to react. And we did not imagine that our politicians would then go to such extraordinary lengths, in the light of national opinion, to push this. But even if we had figured it all out, what would we have been able to do?
4. HOW IT HAPPENED - Part II: Continuing failure of pro-family & conservative movement. This represents a huge failure of the pro-family and conservative movements. And in our opinion, it is a structural, endemic problem that will only get worse unless an entirely new approach is taken.
Unfortunately, these problems probably won't be solved any time soon. So we need to come up with a way to effectively work around them. 5. WHAT DO WE DO NOW: Start by abandoning what doesn't work.This was definitely the watershed. Last week when it became obvious that the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" fight would be lost, we immediately realized that this whole movement needed to start over. And it needs to happen quickly. So we began the process of talking to key people here and across the country. That includes thinking through the paradigm of what this movement is doing wrong and what needs to happen to turn this around. Also: What was there about our successes that made them succeed? What was there about our failures that caused them to fail? How can we overcome our limitations? It's starting to come together, but there's more work to do. We want to broaden the conversation to those of you who are interested. (Let us know.) By mid to late January we plan to have something we can move forward with. But there are a few things we can talk about right now. It's regarding our attitude. Most mainstream conservative groups look at themselves as "the loyal opposition" to the liberal political establishment. (This goes back to William F. Buckley.) And they view the homosexual movement (and the Left in general) as simply their adversaries in a political battle. We're serious, but polite and reasonable and moderate. And the Left loves it when we think that way because it's the psychology of losing. We take that view because it's easy and it's more compatible with our nature. And what's really going on is too frightening for us to deal with, so we subconsciously put the ugly truths aside. Acknowledging what we're really up againstBut we all know the truth. This isn't a political disagreement. Whether we like it or not, we are being subjugated by people with a destructive and dehumanizing worldview. From the politicians in Congress imposing "Don't Ask Don't Tell" down to the sex-ed activists in local public schools who terrorized David Parker over teaching homosexuality to his six-year-old son, these people have become obsessed with creating a kind of secular utiopia in one form or another which they have decided will make everyone's life better, and therefore it must be imposed on everyone who doesn't agree, for their own good. In doing so, these people believe that the ends justify the means. They are willing to use any manner of lies or vicious tactics to win. It's not an exaggeration to say that anything they can get away with, they will do, and that constitutions, laws, and morality are meaningless to them. They see us as less than human and they see themselves as superior -- as we have all experienced countless times. In that respect they are similar to the Communists and even the Nazis -- it's the same basic totalitarian mindset. And they've been winning in America for decades. Thus, to turn it back we aren't fighting a "political battle." We are taking on a counter-revolution, much like what happened in the old Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s. When those people finally understood and internalized that, they began to move mountains. That's the starting point for us to do the same. Think about it. |
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