How Scott Brown caved in on "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
-- Ten-month campaign by homosexual lobby!
POSTED Dec. 12, 2010
Scott Brown's radical change of position on homosexuality in the military did not happen by accident. It was a coordinated campaign by the homosexual movement in Massachusetts.
We first got wind of it at the GLSEN conference held in Somerville this past March, where we had a person in attendance. (We are preparing a full report on that conference.) There was a workshop on repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell". One homosexual serviceman talked about men having sex with each other in the barracks, and the officers looking the other way (a positive step, they indicated). They said they will be targeting Scott Brown in every way possible to get him to change his mind on the ban. "We will bombard Scott Brown's office," he told the group.
In addition, the national homosexual organization Human Rights Campaign appears to have been coordinating things in Washington and helped arrange for Brown to meet with "gay" servicemen. The ACLU was also involved, from at least one email of theirs we've seen.
But the real grunt work was done by in Massachusetts by MassEquality, which even organized phone banks out of their offices to coordinate calls from across the state.
For example, here's an email that was sent out by MassEquality to their supporters on Monday, Dec. 6.
Dear XXX,
Thanks in no small part to your work, U.S. Sen. Scott Brown announced on Friday that he will support the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
Since March, you signed 2,262 postcards urging Sen. Brown to vote for repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and we delivered them to Sen. Brown during visits to his Boston office.
You wrote 110 handwritten letters to Sen. Brown urging him to support repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and we delivered them to his office.
You made nearly 10,000 calls to families of veterans, and other MassEquality members, urging them to call Sen. Brown to ask him to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” during numerous phone banks we hosted.
Twenty-seven veterans opposed to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” lobbied Sen. Brown’s constituent services director on visits we organized.
Five veterans talked about why they support the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” at a panel last May at Faneuil Hall that we helped the Human Rights Campaign organize.
Working together, we accomplished something few thought possible. Today, we are pleased that Sen. Brown has joined all of us, as well as a supermajority of Americans, Massachusetts residents, and servicemembers who support an end to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” . . .
And while we are happy that Sen. Brown has said that he will support repeal of the law, our work is not over. Sen. Brown’s support to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will mean little if he is not one of the 60 senators who vote to prevent a Republican filibuster preventing action on the Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision that would repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
So keep up those calls to his office: 202-224-4543. And click here to contribute to our work.
Together, we can make repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” a reality.
With gratitude,
Kara S. Suffredini, Esq.
Executive Director
Pentagon report gave Brown more cover
Last Tuesday the Pentagon released its 266-page "study" of the situation, concluding that DADT should be repealed and that homosexuality and the US military posed no notable problems. The fallacies, biases, and skewed research in that report are overwhelming, particularly regarding the kinds of people in the military they sample. But Brown obviously did not challenge it, and was able to use it for cover when he made his announcement a few days later supporting the repeal.
Brown publishes press release to announce support for repeal
Brown's press release, distributed last week when he announced his change in position, reads like it was written by a gay-rights PR person. It takes an emotional approach very similar to what we see in their propaganda. It does not address anything regarding how homosexual conduct -- and the accompanying health risks, etc. -- will actually affect the military. It's embarrassing to read.
And unlike Brown, most Republicans have discounted the Pentagon report as horribly biased and unscientific, being driven by the Obama administration to push the bill through. (And here's Ann Coulter's take on the Pentagon report.)
Brown's strange press release (Dec 3, 2010) -
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) today issued the following statement on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy:
"I have been in the military for 31 years and counting, and have served as a subordinate and as an officer. As a legislator, I have spent a significant amount of time on military issues. During my time of service, I have visited our injured troops at Walter Reed and have attended funerals of our fallen heroes. When a soldier answers the call to serve, and risks life or limb, it has never mattered to me whether they are gay or straight. My only concern has been whether their service and sacrifice is with pride and honor.
"I pledged to keep an open mind about the present policy on Don't Ask Don't Tell. Having reviewed the Pentagon report, having spoken to active and retired military service members, and having discussed the matter privately with Defense Secretary Gates and others, I accept the findings of the report and support repeal based on the Secretary's recommendations that repeal will be implemented only when the battle effectiveness of the forces is assured and proper preparations have been completed."
What Brown didn't talk about
Interestingly, just a few days before -- on "World AIDS Day," Dec. 1 -- MassEquality's email to their supporters included these gruesome facts:
Today is World AIDS Day. Gay and bisexual men continue to be among the hardest hit by this epidemic in the United States. They are 44 times more likely than the general population to become HIV positive, and an estimated one in five gay and bisexual men living in urban areas who frequent gay bars and nightclubs are HIV positive. Rates of HIV infection among Black gay and bisexual men are twice as high as those of white gay and bisexual men. MassEquality partners with AIDS service organizations in Massachusetts to advocate for full funding of much-needed HIV and AIDS services.
Obviously, our esteemed US Senator and his staff conveniently neglected to explore any of that part of MassEquality's information when making the decision to radically change the US military. Thanks a lot, Scott.
Working hard all summer. They were even recruiting kids. These tables were at the homosexual Youth Pride Celebration in Boston in May. [MassResistance photo] |

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