MassResistance addresses Tea Party meeting in Chicopee, Mass.
POSTED: July 16, 2010
This past Monday evening Brian Camenker of MassResistance was the main speaker at the Tea Party meeting in Springfield, hosted by the Western Massachusetts 912 Project.
For about 1½ hours, Camenker presented the MassResistance Seminar on Counter-Revolutionary Politics.
The idea for this seminar began from the Saul Alinsky tutorial given at the MassResistance banquet. It has been expanded to encompass an understanding of the Left's bare-knuckled social and fiscal attacks on American culture, and how to successfully confront it, based on actual successes.
It was well received by the crowd that night, and we even got calls the next day at the office about it. We've been encouraged to give it at more events, and even write it out in book form. (We'll see -- there's a lot going on right now.)
But in any case, there is no question that under the right conditions the Tea Party movement can be a springboard to great things, particularly when the participants have a good set of tools and strategies -- and when they address the social issues. We're glad to help in any way we can.

Brian Camenker of MassResistance addresses Tea Party meeting.