Boston's "gay pride week" activities unbelievably depraved
Politicians and corporations give full support
Series of reports coming up
POSTED: June 17, 2010
It was worse and more depraved than even we anticipated.
Gay Pride Week in Boston was nine days of public celebration of homosexuality and related behaviors. It began on Friday, June 4 with the flag raising over Boston City Hall and ended last weekend with the Pride Parade and Celebration in downtown Boston, with many events in between. At certain times it took over much of the downtown area. For passersby and tourists with children it was nearly impossible to avoid.
One witnessed a great deal of obviously disturbed, dysfunctional, and extremely self-centered people whose aim was to push their agenda and behaviors as publicly as possible. And they certainly succeeded.
Over the next several days we will be posting what we saw at various "pride" events and some of the literature handed out to the public, including children.
Several things were particularly striking about this year's "Pride Week":
- Sado-masochism, bondage, etc. There were more BDSM (bondage, discipline, sado-masochism) activists officially participating than ever before, and more open behavior. The literature they were handing out was explicit and, frankly, pretty sick.

- Transgenderism and cross-dressing. Transgenderism was a major theme of this year's "Pride". Three of the five "grand marshals" were men dressed as women (including "Grace" Sterling Stowell, who works with public schoolchildren with state funding). At least one of them had obviously had body-mutilating surgery (artificial breasts). The "transgender rights" groups and their literature were at most events. Macys featured a "drag queen" running an in-store fashion show (see #3 below).

- General weirdness and vulgarity. Some of the signs that were carried in parades were so vulgar that we're reluctant to include them in our reports (we will anyway). And the level of weirdness and general dysfunction was beyond past years. The term "freak show" came to mind a lot.

- Political messages. That's becoming a bigger part than in the past. Repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" was nearly everywhere, as was support for the Transgender Rights Bill, and also anti-Israel/pro-Palestine messages.
- Inclusion of lots of children. There were far more kids -- from elementary school through high school -- included in events than in past years. In the Pride Parade in particular there were waves of schoolchildren marching, obviously well organized, holding banners from their various schools. The homosexual movement's obsession with children seems to becoming magnified. (Also, there were several groups there specifically promoting forming "gay families" through insemination.)
- Politicians. There were more politicians participating than ever before, from the Governor and Mayor of Boston on down, and a slew of candidates. They're also supporting it financially with ads in the Pride literature. It's ghastly. Even Republicans (see #2 below) are joining in.
- Corporations, hospitals, civic groups, churches. Google, Microsoft, Bank of America, Massachusetts General Hospital, Children's Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, and many, many more marched in the parade, supported it financially, and otherwise participated. When you see our report on this you won't believe it.
- Media news blackout. Despite all of this, there was a complete news blackout regarding anything unflattering about Gay Pride Week. Only positive, celebratory things were reported throughout the Boston media. It's eerie. It's hard to see how reporters for the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and TV stations could have watched the Pride Parade and Celebration, for example, and not noticed anything. But their news reports were all positive.
The official underlying theme this year was homosexual militancy. And that message was repeated everywhere. "Riots to Rights" was the rallying cry. They constantly referred to the "Stonewall" and "Harvey Milk" incidents (both of which have been grossly distorted - we will be posting on that in weeks to come) as quasi-religious historical events. It seems to be working for them. A growing number of politicians, media, corporations, and other major institutions have clearly turned against traditional America.
Look for more postings on the web site over the next several days.
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