Beth Israel Hospital holds awards ceremony for GLBT activists for "gay pride week"
Honors publishers of anti-Catholic hardcore homosexual newspaper
POSTED: June 25, 2010
On the Monday of "Gay Pride Week" Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in New England, invited their staff to a special "Lesbian Gay Bisexual, Transgender Achievement Awards" ceremony -- "in recognition of the many outstanding contributions of individuals and groups to the advancement of LGBT issues in the community." This has now become a yearly event for Beth Israel.
Inside Beth Israel's Shapiro Clinical Center, staff members came to the 10th floor executive meeting room for the "ceremonies". |
The last type of organization you would normally think of getting involved in the homosexual movement would be hospitals. After all, the enormous health problems directly connected with homosexual behavior are well documented.
Well, you'd be wrong. Hospitals are inexplicably passionate supporters of the homosexual lifestyle. And at Beth Israel, the homosexual movement's biggest cheerleader is Paul Levy, the hospital's president, who makes sure every doctor and staff member gets an invitation from him come to the event and get involved with "Gay Pride Week."
Invitation: EMAIL from Beth Israel President Paul Levy to hospital staff
How can one describe an event like this? It was madness. It's a room full of medical professionals in a hospital. But there's an eerie, purposeful cognitive dissonance against recognizing the dangers of these lifestyles and behaviors.
Beth Israel president Paul Levy (left) welcomes people to awards ceremony and introduces director of "LBGT Aging Project" (right).
[MassResistance photos] |

Among the awardees were:
- The co-publishers of the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows, which has published vicious anti-Catholic and anti-family articles for years, including horrible personal attacks on individuals, as well as promoting and celebrating a wide range of perversions.
Bay Windows co-publishers Sue O'Connell and Jeff Coakley address the gathering after receiving their awards.
(Who ever imagined that the publishers of a newspaper promoting homosexual sex would be getting an award from a hospital?) |
- The president of the AIDS Action Committee, publisher of the hideous Little Black Book: Gay in the 21st Century, handed out to kids in a high school, which promotes unbelievably perverse and unhealthy activities.
Dr. Michael Wong, president of the AIDS Action Committee, spoke via video and talked about how he's "encouraging" kids, and since "National HIV Testing Day" is coming up, kids should take advantage of it and get tested.
AIDS Action Committee head spoke via video. As always, "reaching out" to kids. |
- They also showed a video celebrating the triumphs of the pioneers of the homosexual movement who "did the hard work" in their quest for "civil rights." And how hard it was to be publicly homosexual. It also made an emotional appeal about how staffs in hospitals and nursing homes need proper diversity training to cater to homosexuals' needs, and also not to assume that families are "normal" as we know them. But, "the baby boomers are going to change things - they are more out and vocal."
Video celebrated the struggles of the homosexual movement's pioneers of activism. |
Well attended . . .
It was held in the exclusive 10th floor conference room of the Shapiro Clinical Center. There were 60-70 people there - standing room only at one point.
Beth Israel president Paul Levy celebrated the fact that Bay Windows has "thrived" over the last 20 years, though its founder has passed away of an AIDS-related disease.
At one point it was standing room only. |

Levy also talked about "fighting discrimination", and said he is glad to working closely with other hospitals. "When it comes to civil rights and social rights we do not compete," he said.
Typical for Bay Windows: This hideous, bigoted attack on Pope Paul IV was published in Bay Windows right after he passed away. |

Does this seem just a bit too bizarre and offensive for a hospital to be doing? Let Beth Israel know:
Contact Beth Israel HERE Email their Public Relations dept
Gay pride: As you enter the lobby of building you are greeted with a big "gay pride" poster. Very strange for a hospital. |
We almost forgot to mention -- the food was pretty good. Maybe that's the reason so many came. |
Email from Beth Israel President Paul Levy inviting staff to LGBT awards ceremony:
To: BIDMC Community
From: BIDMC Communications
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:25 PM
To: BIDMC Community
Subject: June 7 LGBT Awards and PRIDE Week
From: Paul Levy
President and CEO
Subject: LGBT Awards/ PRIDE Week
I hope you will join me for BIDMC’s 17th annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Achievement Award ceremony on Monday, June 7, from noon to 1 p.m., in the Rabkin Board Room, Shapiro Clinical Center, 10th floor.
One of our most deeply held core values and cherished traditions is BIDMC's commitment to inclusion and respect. From June 7 to 12, BIDMC will celebrate the 17th annual PRIDE week, recognizing service to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities as an employer and a care provider.
This year’s LGBT Award honorees are Michael T. Wong, MD, Division of Infectious Diseases, and Bay Windows, New England’s largest LGBT newspaper. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Our Future: The Aging LGBT Community” and keynote remarks will be offered by Lisa Krinsky, Director of the LGBT Aging Project. We will also preview a portion of Gen Silent, a powerful documentary about LGBT elders fearing abuse in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other institutional settings. All staff are welcome.
Our PRIDE celebration continues with the BIDMC team’s participation in the annual Pride Parade on Saturday, June 12 (rain or shine). For information or to register for the Parade, please e-mail Jim Arrington at, or Stacey Adamson at The first 30 participants to register will receive a free BIDMC/PRIDE T-shirt.
Program for:
Beth Israel's Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Achievement Awards Ceremony
July 7, 2010
Given to all attendees.
(scroll down for pages)