"Conservative" pundit Ann Coulter to speak at radical homosexual activist convention
Swift reaction from pro-family conservatives
POSTED: August 20, 2010
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter has shocked the pro-family world by agreeing to speak at a so-called "conservative" homosexual activist convention in New York City next month. Officially called "HomoCon", it's sponsored by the so-called "conservative" homosexual group GOProud. Earlier this year GOProud caused a controversy when they became a sponsor of the CPAC convention.
"I can promise you, HomoCon 2010 will be a hell of a lot more fun than chaining yourself to the White House fence," said GOProud's chairman in a press release.
GOProud's poster promoting Ann Coulter. "Our gays are more macho than their straights." |

GoProud: hiding radicalism under "conservative" label
GOProud is a fifth-column "conservative" group that works tirelessly to weave the radical homosexual agenda and homosexuality into the conservative movement using myriad political and psychological techniques and strategies (including harassment and intimidation when necessary). GOProud's website says that is "committed to a traditional conservative agenda."
But according to current and past GOProud postings, here's some of what GOProud's "conservative" agenda includes:
- Legalization of homosexual marriage. They have articles cheering the progress of homosexual marriage in Washington DC and bemoaning the loss of the gay-marriage effort in New York state.
- Against the Federal Marriage Amendment, which they term as "anti-gay".
- Supports the repeal of the military's "Don't ask don't tell" policy.
- Supports expansion of federal national health care legislation to facilitate "expanding access to domestic partnership benefits."
- Having America's foreign policy support homosexuality abroad: America should: "Stand strong against radical regimes who seek to criminalize gays and lesbians" (i.e., sodomy and other homosexual behavior).
- Supports special federal pro-gay legislation, including "Package of free market reforms to encourage and support small businesses and entrepreneurship in the gay community."
- GOProud's chairman, Christopher R. Barron, described the pro-family movement this way: "Unfortunately there are far too many folks in this country who deserve the label anti-gay, and some of those folks are politicians. Indeed some people in this country make a living demonizing gay people and our families."
Classic Alinsky strategy
What GoProud is doing for the homosexual movement is the classic Saul Alinsky approach: Work within the system, corrupting from the inside. Try to appear as moderate as possible on the surface. But introduce radical "change" framed in progressive, reasonable, and rational terms. This is what they've been doing in schools and government (and many other places) for a long time. And our side continues to fall for it.
Bare-knuckle tactics when necessary
GOProud participated in the boycott and harassment of the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego after homosexual activists revealed that the owner, Doug Manchester, had contributed money to support Proposition 8 in California. Manchester was subsequently forced to "apologize to the gay community" and make substantial retribution payments to homosexual organizations. He also was forced to hold a fundraiser for GoProud, which helped fund the HomoCon event.
GoProud makes vicious personal attacks on conservative individuals who speak out .When Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth urged Ann Coulter to reconsider her appearance at HomoCon, GOProud issued the ridiculous but ironic statement that "If Mr. LaBarbera spent less time obsessing about gay sex and hanging out at gay Pride events, maybe he would have a little more time to read one of Ann's books." (It's GoProud that is pushing that on the rest of America, not Peter LaBarbera.)
WorldNetDaily cancels upcoming speech -- Coulter lashes back!
Almost immediately after Coulter's announcement WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah met with his staff and decided to cancel Coulter's appearance at their "Taking America Back" conference in Miami next month.
Joseph Farah said:
"Ultimately, as a matter of principle, it would not make sense for us to have Ann speak to a conference about 'taking America back' when she clearly does not recognize that the ideals to be espoused there simply do not include the radical and very 'unconservative' agenda represented by GOProud. The drift of the conservative movement to a brand of materialistic libertarianism is one of the main reasons we planned this conference from the beginning."
See: WND drops Ann Coulter from Miami event over Homoconflict
Farah cites her speech to 'gay' event as reason
Coulter responded by publicly calling Farah a "swine" and "piublicity whore" -- appearing to be more like the angry liberals she often criticizes -- and continues to see nothing wrong with her promotion of a radical homosexual group.
See: Ann Coulter slams Farah as 'swine,' publicity whore
WND's dropping of pundit from Miami event ignites intense backlash
In the end, more entertainer than believer
Ann Coulter has made millions of dollars as a sharp, witty conservative pundit. She's sold millions of books and can charge big money for her speaking appearances. Basically, Coulter is an entertainer. She's never "done" anything but be sharp and witty.
This seems to be a phenomenon of the modern media age. To many wealthy conservative celebrities like Coulter this is a business, not a cause. Underneath the clever rhetoric one doesn't find the genuine passion that the people on the ground actually engaging this battle feel. And that's ultimately a problem for this movement. Does Coulter really believe in conservatism on any serious level? This incident seems to answer the question pretty well.
(We applaud Joseph Farah and hope he takes the next step and discontinues Coulter's columns at WND.)