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Ex-gay makes speech at PepsiCo shareholders meeting: Stop funding hateful homosexual activist group

Homosexual group PFLAG trains people to vilify and harass ex-gays

POSTED: May 12, 2010

The ex-gay movement is gaining momentum. Last week Greg Quinlan, a former homosexual and one of the leaders of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays), gave a powerful speech before the PepsiCo Board of Directors at the at the Pepsi's shareholders meeting.

Greg told PepsiCo to stop funding homosexual activists groups that promote hate against people like him and organizations like PFOX.

PFOX is a wonderful support group for people who have left the homosexual lifestyle or are still in the process of healing from it. The are very successful at what they do, and they are proof that people are not "born gay." But they are horribly and often viciously attacked by homosexual activists.

Nevertheless, PFOX is very active around the country spreading their message and demanding that ex-gays not face discrimination by politically-correct governments and corporations.

PepsiCo is one of the nation's major funders of the radical homosexual movement. In particular, they fund PFLAG, which is a hardcore group that organizes across the country in liberal churches and also targets children in public schools attempting to normalize homosexual and transgender behavior through psychological manipulation and activism.

PFLAG is very active in Massachusetts schools and is part of the Mass. Commission on GLBT Youth. Among other things, PFLAG trains their people to attack and vilify PFOX and others like them.