BAGLY - part of tax-funded Mass GLBT Commission - luring kids to "gay youth film festival"
POSTED: May 19, 2010
The members of the tax-funded Massachusetts Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth don't just go into public schools to reach kids. They do much more. They reach out.
BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth) is an active member of the commission. BAGLY, which is run by a middle-aged man who wears women's clothes, attempts to bring together "youth" from middle school age up to 22 years old to various meetings around the state. In recent years, BAGLY has pushed the transgender agenda to kids, including providing links to websites which promote sex-change "surgery" (i.e., body mutilation).
This past week BAGLY invited schoolchildren from across the state to a "Youth Film Series at the Boston LGBT Film Festival." These films promote romantic and sexual homosexual affairs between kids.
Invitation to kids. This is part of the email sent to children across Massachusetts by BAGLY. |

Although the invitation said "Youth Film Series", that appears to be just a part of the adult homosexual film series that includes movies featuring children. So it would appear that kids will be mixing with adults at these movies.
Here's from the Boston LGBT Film Festival's website:

The tip of the iceberg
BAGLY also put on events such as the annual "transgender prom" held at Boston City Hall. The most recent one was on May 8, as part of the Commission's Youth Pride Day activities -- where BAGLY also invited kids to this "film festival." (Our full report on this year's Youth Pride Day is coming up.)
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait till you see what we're going to be exposing over the next few weeks.
Unfortunately, nothing will change until people make it change. This is what your Massachusetts legislators are spending your tax money to support.