You are cordially invited to the MassResistance banquet!
Saturday evening, March 6, 2010
Holiday Inn, 242 Adams Place, Boxborough, MA
(Rts. 495 & 111)
$40.00 per person / $375 for a table of 10
Registration and cash bar from 6:15 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m.
RSVP immediately: Contact us at: 781-890-6001 or
Here's the lineup:
Peter LaBarbera: The national GLBT movement in 2010

And countering the GLBT Agenda under Barack Obama.
Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality, (AFTAH), the pre-eminent group dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda and opposing their radical efforts to change America. He is perhaps the most authoritative voice in the country on the history, goals, and tactics of that movement.
He has written extensively on most aspects of the homosexual, bisexual, and "transgender" agenda -- with special focus on the inroads that the pro-homosexuality movement has made among America's youth -- and has done over a thousand interviews on the subject. He has worked with Concerned Women for America and Family Research Council, and headed the Illinois Family Institute.
LaBarbera has debated the top homosexual advocates while appearing on hundreds of TV and radio news programs, including FOX's Hannity and Colmes, CNN's "The Larry King Show" and CNN's "Crossfire," C-SPAN's "Washington Journal," National Public Radio's "All Things Considered," and Bill O'Reilly's and Alan Colmes' nationally syndicated radio programs. He has been quoted on homosexuality-related issues in newspapers across the nation, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, as well as by Associated Press and Reuters.
Newly released James O'Keefe video exposing 2009 Mass. transgender
conference -- beyond
description! First viewing ever.

In January 2009 before he became famous, James O'Keefe went undercover for MassResistance at a regional transgender conference in Peabody, MA. This footage will be seen for the first time at this banquet. What he saw there is beyond description. But it is society's future if the transgender movement - and the current "Transgender rights and hate crimes bill" - continues to move forward.
Brian Camenker: Saul Alinsky's tactics and how they affect you

Brian Camenker will give a brief tutorial on the radical strategies of Saul Alinsky and how they are affecting you now. Alinsky, who wrote Rules for Radicals, is considered a founding father of the radical left in America that is dedicated to changing society. Barack Obama spent years teaching Alinsky's methods as an ACORN organizer in Chicago. Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on Alinsky. You NEED to know what Alinsky is all about, and how his ideology for changing America is affecting your life.
Scott Lively: The focus on Uganda by pro-homosexual activists

Dr. Lively is founder of Abiding Truth Ministries, the Pro-Family Law Center,, and most recently the Redemption Gate Ministry Society in Springfield, Mass. He has been under relentless attack by homosexual groups for his writings and activism, most recently regarding his involvement in Uganda where he advised the government on legislation regarding homosexuality.
He will have copies of his outstanding new book, Redeeming the Rainbow, A Christian Response to the "Gay" Agenda for sale at the banquet. The book was released online on the MassResistance website several months ago - but at the banquet you'll be able to get it in book form (so you don't have to print out hundreds of pages).
Many of you will remember Dr. Lively's incredible speech at last year's banquet.
This will be an incredible evening! (And you'll get a great dinner.)
NOTE: On Monday, James O'Keefe, the main speaker for our banquet this Saturday night and the celebrated videographer who exposed ACORN, informed us by telephone that he would not be coming. Citing his upcoming court case stemming from a recent undercover operation in New Orleans, he told us that, while he admires our work, "my priority is to raise money for my attorney."
We would certainly have preferred that O'Keefe had informed us of that earlier. But over the last 24 hours we have been able to come up with an outstanding -- maybe even better -- lineup for this weekend's banquet!
Since our originally announced speaker will not be there, we are willing to refund anyone the money who has already paid. (Please let us know right away if you change your plans.) But we really think this lineup will more than make up for it! Hope to see you all on Saturday night!