Media propaganda: Phony AP election day news story on study normalizing same-sex "spouses"
On morning of same-sex 'marriage' election in Maine and Washington State
POSTED: November 5, 2009
It's a particularly malicious tactic: misleading propaganda masquerading as legitimate news published on election day by a "legitimate" news organization. And it's another reason not to trust the mainstream media.
On Nov. 3, 2009, the morning of the state elections in Maine and Washington regarding same-sex marriage and civil unions, newspapers across the country carried an odd "news" story: A UCLA "think tank" that had just released a groundbreaking study saying that homosexual relationships really normal - gay couples are just like straight spouses.
Here's the article that appeared in the Boston Herald on election morning:

Link to entire AP article online.
But look a little closer. Nowhere in the article is the name of this UCLA-affiliated "think tank" mentioned. That's pretty critical. How do we know that this is an unbiased study?
We did a little digging. It turns out that the "think tank" is the Williams Institute, which describes itself as a "gay and lesbian" organization and is dedicated to "advancing critical thought in the field of sexual orientation law and public policy." It is funded by millions of dollars from wealthy homosexual activists. If you look at their work, it is all about pushing the normalization of homosexuality through some study or research conclusion. Not exactly unbiased. But the Associated Press doesn't mention that at all.
Williams institute website
Link to the study referred to in the AP article
This is a prime example why people should not trust the mainstream media. It's the worst kind of journalism and it's all too common these days.