A quiz for pro-family activists supporting pro-abortion, pro-gay 'marriage' Republicans for MA Governor!

How does your support help?
July 31, 2009
On the front page of this Thursday's Boston Globe was a big picture of Republican candidate for governor Charlie Baker, a self-proclaimed "fiscal conservative".
Everyone's excited.
However, regarding Baker's position on the "social issues", the Globe reported:
"But what's not going to be a priority? Pushing a socially conservative agenda. Baker went to great lengths to cite his bona-fides as a social moderate, if not a social liberal. Not only did he say he supports abortion rights; he said he believes in gay marriage, for personal reasons.
'My brother's gay, and he's married, and he lives in Massachusetts, so I'm for it,' he said. Is that straight enough?'"
Lovely. Baker joins the other declared Republican candidate for MA governor, Christy Mihos, who has also been very public about his support for abortion and same-sex "marriage." Both are multi-millionaires who are taken seriously by the media and political insiders.
Naturally, as both campaigns get started in earnest we're seeing a lot of pro-family Republicans wasting no time getting involved.
But what should you do?
To help test your knowledge of social-issue politics we've put together a short quiz. See how well you score:
Questions --
A candidate announces he supports abortion and the homosexual agenda. Pro-family people still support him because he's "better on fiscal issues" than his opponent. What message does that send to other candidates?
If a pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Republican gets elected Governor with big pro-family support, how much will those things improve?
If pro-family people offer big support to a liberal Republican, won't they at least have a "seat at the table," where they wouldn't with a Democrat?
Aren't you at least doing some good by supporting a fiscal conservative? Especially in these difficult times?
(Scroll down for answers.)
Hmm. How many of these questions did you know the answer to? (Maybe you'd better not tell us!)
Here's the lesson that conservatives rarely learn: When it comes to fundamental principles of life, supporting the lesser of two evils is usually the road to hell. It's largely why we're in the mess we're in.
Or more practically speaking: Sometimes the best way to accomplish things is to do nothing. Or, as Harry Truman once said, "When in doubt do what's right."
(All this being said, do we think that this will get pro-family activists to change? Probably not. But we had to get it off our chests.)
1: It sends the message that they don't have to take us seriously. The Planned Parenthood people and homosexual lobby learned that a long time ago. Is it any surprise that so many formerly "pro-family" politicians have switched?
2: It will only get worse. Just look at the record of the last 3 elected Republican governors. None of them had any incentive or interest to go against what got them elected. (This even includes Romney's last-minute "conversion" to conservatism in order to run for President.) The laws and funding for abortion and homosexuality all got worse and worse. And why not?
3: Are you kidding? Some people sure have short memories, but we don't. Republicans Weld, Cellucci, and Romney all staffed their administrations with liberals and consorted with liberals. After the elections were over, conservatives were considered a strange breed of outsiders not to be taken seriously. It was terrible. Their message to conservatives was: "We're the best you're going to get, so you'd better live with it." (In his last year in office Romney would occasionally meet with some conservatives - and occasionally make some half-hearted efforts to push pro-family legislation - when it suited his political strategy, but it was only for show.)
4: That's a good theory but it doesn't quite work that way. If a person isn't grounded in solid universal moral values, then other judgment calls eventually fail, too. Government is especially vulnerable because there is an enormous amount of other people's money to spend fairly easily. A person can be swayed by all kinds of arguments and propaganda about how money "needs" to be spent. Under a string of "fiscally conservative" Republican governors, the Big Dig got out of control, the budget grew enormously, spending on social programs, pensions, various pork multiplied - one could go on and on. The vastly expensive "Education Reform" bill of the 1990s and Romney's universal health insurance are two other examples.