Media madness: Boston Herald caves in to loony "transgender" political correctness
Posted: Auguat 14, 2009
You can sort of see why newspapers aren't taken as seriously as they used to be. The Boston Herald, like the Boston Globe, can't quite seem to bridge the gap between political correctness and reality.
The whole thing is too weird to contemplate. A man who is in prison for murdering his wife dresses as a woman and is suing to make the state to pay for various sex-change treatments. The case is before a limousine liberal federal judge, Mark Wolf, who seems to be accidently doing the right thing. (Wolf is the same judge who ruled that David Parker has no legal right to be informed -- or opt out -- when his elementary school-aged kids are being taught that homosexuality is normal and natural.)
Before (right) and after. [Photos from Boston Herald] |
This is where that agenda is leading us. Here's how the Boston Herald described it. (Note that the man is described as "she" by the reporter):
Judge leaves inmate with a hair across 'her' case
By Laurel J. Sweet
Boston Herald
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Michelle Kosilek's hair today won't be gone tomorrow now that a federal judge has refused to force the state Department of Correction to continue the convicted cross-dressing wife slayer's thus-far futile electrolysis treatments.
While abashedly conceding yesterday behind a boyish grin, "I don't know what electrolysis costs," U.S. District Court Judge Mark L. Wolf pointedly suggested to DOC's legal team that fighting the issue in court "has to be considerably more expensive and time-consuming" than voluntarily plucking a few follicles for a prisoner diagnosed with gender identity disorder.
Kosilek, 60, who has been living as a woman in state prison since 1993, cut a hair-raising figure as she strode into Wolf's courtroom in a denim shirt and jeans, crimped brown hair flowing down her back and gobs of rouge accentuating her cheekbones.
She is serving life at MCI-Norfolk for the 1990 strangulation of 36-year-old Cheryl Kosilek in Mansfield. Her body was dumped at the Emerald Square Mall in Attleboro.
Michelle Kosilek has sued DOC to have state-funded sex-change surgery and is awaiting Wolf's decision. While Wolf sympathized "that hair is an excruciatingly painful reminder of her status as a male," he said Kosilek has failed to persuade him it's permanent removal is a medical necessity, particularly when DOC provides razors and depilatories.
"Michelle Kosilek, as far as I know, continues to live without adverse incident in an all-male prison," Wolf said.
Kosilek's nearly two months of electrolysis ceased in October, but DOC attorneys were unable to tell Wolf why. He has told them to return with an answer by Nov. 23, when he will revisit the electrolysis debate.
DOC attorney Richard McFarland groused to Wolf that Kosilek's lawyers are on "a fishing expedition. They're trying to find anything that might present some kind of conspiracy."
Read article on Herald website
This gets more Orwellian every day. It's up to us to literally scream the truth whenever we can.