Massachusetts RMV chief coordinated with homosexual activists to implement radical "transgender" drivers licenses.
Policy change was "implemented quietly" to deflect criticism
January 28, 2009 UPDATED April 8, 2010
Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) chief Rachel Kaprielian worked behind the scenes with the state's major homosexual activists to craft the "transgender" driver's licenses, it was revealed recently. It appears to have been done with the blessing and encouragement of Gov. Deval Patrick, as a payback for the support by the homosexual community for him in his election.
A radical herself
Kaprielian , a pro-homosexual activist and former state representative, was an obvious person make it happen.
Kaprielian resigned her state House seat representing Watertown in May, 2008 to run the RMV for fiercely pro-homosexual Gov. Patrick. As a state rep, Kaprielian had been a reliable pro-abortion, pro-homosexual vote on a wide range of issues, often angering her constituents. In 2005 she was rated 100% by Planned Parenthood, attended a fundraiser for the national homosexual group "Human Rights Campaign", and sponsored various pro-homosexual bills in the Legislature.
But frankly, no one thought that she would go this far, that she was thiscommitted to changing society this radically. Well, we were wrong.
Policy change was "implemented quietly"
To our knowledge there was no formal announcement of this, despite its huge implications on the Commonwealth. It only became publicly known when a homosexual newspaper published a letter sent by Kaprielian to the homosexual lobby group MassEquality confirming the new policy:
[Link to actual letter.]
January 21, 2009
Marc Solomon
11 Beacon Street
Suite 1125
Boston, MA 02108
Re:Amending Gender Designation on Licenses and ID Cards
Dear Mr. Solomon:
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles has amended its policy to enable transgendered individuals to more easily change the gender designation on their licenses and identity cards.
Under this new policy, it is no longer necessary to submit medical proof of sex reassignment surgery. The agency understands that this requirement is often very difficult, if not impossible, for many individuals to satisfy. Under the new policy, an individual who wishes to change the gender marker will submit an updated application together with a Gender Designation Change Form, signed by him or her and a medical provider attesting to the gender that the individual considers himself or herself to be.
In addition, the Registry of Motor Vehicles will no longer require an individual to provide an amended birth certificate in support of the new gender designation marker.
I believe these changes are fair, reasonable and sensible. The next edition of the Registry of Motor Vehicles Driver's Manual will reflect the agency's policy amendments. If you have any questions about these changes, please feel free to contact me.
Rachel Kaprielian
Registrar of Motor Vehicles
According to reports in homosexual newspapers, Kaprielian had been working behind the scenes with various extremely radical homosexual / transgender activist groups, including the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC), MassEquality, and Jennifer Levi, the director of the Transgender Rights Project at Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD). It was also coordinated by openly homosexual state Rep. Carl Sciortino (D-Medford) who once disrupted a Catholic Mass with his homosexual lover to protest the Church's stand against same-sex "marriage".
"This is the culmination of an education process," Levi told the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows.
According to Bay Windows, "the policy change was implemented quietly", and was clearly meant to help mainstream the transgender movement in general society, particularly in situations requiring legal identification.
Hard-core transgender activism. Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders Executive Director Lee Swislow (R) and Rhiannon O’Donnabhain (L), a man who is suing the IRS to be recognized as a woman, at GLAD's Transgender Rights Project Reception on October 22.
(GLAD photo.) |
[NOTE: In photo above, person on left (a man dressed as a woman) is also an official member of the taxpayer-funded Massachusetts Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth, which works with schoolchildren across the state.]
MassResistance had exposed previous RMV policy
The Mass. RMV already had a radical policy in this regard, but it was rarely used. Back in 2006 MassResistance reported that people getting their drivers licenses renewed started seeing a check-off box for "change of gender". This allowed people to have their gender designation changed, but required fairly extensive medical proof of so-called "sex reassignment surgery" or a birth certificate reflecting a person's gender change.
This policy was apparently started under former RMV chief Dan Grabauskas, an open homosexual appointed by Gov. Paul Cellucci. However, hard-core homosexual and transgender activists soon considered this requirement too onerous to fit their ideology of "fluid" gender identification and have vigorously pushed for this new rule.
And we thought that Grabauskas was a radical . . .