MA Lesbian State Trooper and others file lawsuit against federal DOMA law
MA Attorney General announces "strong support" for lawsuit.
March 5, 2009
Now that we have our first pro-homosexual US president, the Boston-based Gay Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) is wasting no time filing a suit to get the federal DOMA law declared unconstitutional. It will probably be relatively easy. GLAD is not made up of particularly brilliant lawyers. (We've been up against them in the past -- they couldn't beat us in the infamous Fistgate case.) But how hard to you think Obama's Justice Department is going to defend this one? article: U.S. sued for benefits for same-sex marriages
And they picked the perfect venue. This week GLAD filed their suit in Boston Federal District Court - the same court that TWICE shot down the David Parker case and declared that parents have no right to be notified when schools introduce homosexual and topics to elementary school students. Need we say more?
Pro-gay Mass. Attorney General "strongly" supports lawsuit
A bit of collusion here? Within hours of the filing of the lawsuit, Mass. Attorney General Martha Coakley, who has helped raise money for the homosexual lobby, filed an official press release supporting the effort. She says:
“We strongly support the efforts of GLAD and its clients to pursue equal rights for all married couples in Massachusetts. Since the Supreme Judicial Court issued its decision in Goodridge in 2003, Massachusetts has taken many affirmative steps to ensure and solidify marriage equality in the Commonwealth."
As biased as her predecessor Tom Reilly was, he would have never done this.
Massachusetts State Trooper
As the above CNN article describes, it doesn't surprise us that one of the plaintiffs is a lesbian Massachusetts State Trooper and her "wife".
Sadly, over the past decade, in our observations (and from what we hear off the record) the State Police has become fairly saturated with homosexual activism. Quite frequently, we've seen the State Police go out of their way to harrass pro-family activists in public venues, while homosexual activists are always left alone. Last year when we complained that homosexual activists working with kids lacked CORI checks contrary to state law, the state trooper we spoke with angrily accused us of being "homophobic," and refused to look into it. According to press reports, the State Police now have an official "liaison" to the homosexual community. And the State Police made a deal with GLAD not to aggressively patrol rest areas that are known homosexual hook-up areas. It's terrible. And it's not gotten any better under the present pro-gay governor, that's for sure.
Unfortunately, as people in Europe saw in the 1930s, the police are the first to fall in line when the government becomes radicalized. We're certainly seeing it here.
Police presence. You're seeing more of this at "gay pride" parades. State Police seem to be well representated in the Gay Officers Action League. |