Chilling annual report from Mass Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Youth
Reveals its taxpayer-funded jihad against children and parents
March 5,2009

Your tax money is working against you and your children in a big way. Much of that is revealed in the newly-released annual report of the lavishly-funded Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Youth, which this year is receiving $850,000 to push the homosexual and transgender agenda in the state's high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools.
As we've reported, this group is made up of some very bizarre and obviously disturbed adults, including men wearing dresses and at least one woman with a beards and sideburns.
Recently, we posted the handouts from one of the high school "gay day" events funded by this Commission. (You might want to take a look again.)
It's chilling just to read this. On the surface, it's 27 pages of dry, very official and professional-sounding report-like prose. It could be any high-level public service agency. But then you realize that underneath all the white-gloved language, they're talking about pushing sodomy and its related behaviors -- and ultimately even sex-change surgeries -- to children. It uses sterile terms such as "sexual minorities" and "underrepresented populations" to discuss what is in fact deviant behavior by very troubled individuals. It's truly scary that this is where our government has come.
Entire report here (Adobe Acrobat format)
The report outlines a number of the commission's activities - although it does not include any accounting of how its vast money was spent, or their donations from outside sources, or any specifics about their hundreds of "gay-straight alliance" clubs and the clubs' related activities in the schools and extra-curricular programs and events, which in fact take up a huge part of the commission's budget. But what is there is pretty bad. (Mayby "evil" or "demonic" might be better terms for this.)
(MassResistance is referenced at least once in the report. They definitely know we're watching them - and they don't like it.)
A few of the highlights:
The Commission held four general meetings - three at high schools and one at a large homosexual "youth center" on the Cape. (We had people at all of them.) However, before each general meeting they held lengthy private meetings with kids which were closed to the public. Outsiders don't know exactly what happens at those meetings. (Note: To our knowledge none of the Commission members has had a required CORI check, and the state refuses to enforce this.)
One thing that's clear: the "transgender" movement in the schools is a major focus. The report states that "The Commission approved and scheduled a mandatory full commission training on transgender issues for May 19, 2008."
The have created are funding all-homosexual group homes for "homeless GLBT youth" -- kids they've persuaded to leave home an live openly homosexual lives against the wishes of their parents. In addition, they're building a "collaborating working relationship" with the dreaded Department of Social Services (DSS) which has the power to take kids from their parents. They also worked with the DSS "diversity coordinator" regarding their policies on the state intervenes with "GLBT youth and families". The report makes it clear that the Commission encourages kids who "come out" as homosexual to leave home and live in the gay/transgender group houses, if their parents don't support their choice to engage in homosexuality or transgenderism. It's tragic.
They use the discredited "Youth Risk Behavior Surveys" to push their programs "in schools and communities." These surveys are given to kids in school to elicit the preferred responses on sexual activity, criminal behavior, drug use, suicide, etc. (These surveys entice vulnerable kids to give exaggerated answers to the questions, and the Commission leverages that to claim that their "anti-homophobia" and "safety" programs will improve the situation - when in fact they usually make it worse.)
They've branched out to push the agenda in other state departments. They make policy recommendations to the Mass. Department of Public Health and Mass. Dept. of Education on transgender and other issues. They are "building relationships with the Governor's office, as well as Commissioners of state agencies and Commissions such as the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) to ensure that GLBT youth issues are represented at all levels of state government." They will also "work to develop relationships with city municipalities to support services" to create homosexual programs.
They harrass school districts that don't comply with the homosexual agenda. The report included a strongly worded official letter to the Superintendent of the Milton schools. The Commission claimed it had heard "both through the media and anecdotally" that Milton schools are not sufficiently pro-homosexual. As usual, their Orwellian term is "safety" of students.
They organized kids to lobby for pro-homosexual legislation, including the "Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes" bill, the "Anti-Bullying" bill (which is a way to leverage protection for transgender behavior) and even the Federal pro-homosexual/transgender Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).
They worked with the major Massachusetts homosexual lobbies, MassEquality and Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, to organize kids to lobby in the State House for more funding for the Commission's activities.
They specifically thank homosexual lobbyist Bill Conley (who was arrested for solititing sex from a male college student) for his "support counsel and guidance." We saw Conley at at least one meeting in a high school.
You may recall that Acton-Boxborough High School decided to present the anti-Christian pro-homosexual play "The Laramie Project". MassResistance held a symposium at the school about the destructive nature of the play. The school presented it anyway. Afterwards, the Commission sent a letter to Acton-Boxborough Superintendent congratulating him for his "unwavering support" for that hideous play.
How bad does it have to get before people do something?