Multi-billion dollar MA budget shortfall, but $850,000 for Commission on GLBT Youth still intact
Being protected by political leaders
March 5, 2009

Headlines like this are becoming more common.
On Tuesday, the Speaker of the Mass. House announced that there is yet another half-billion dollar budget deficit, on top of the $2.5 billion deficit we already had.
So on Wednesday, the state announced that 130 more health and human services workers are being cut (in addition to the 664 already cut), and more programs are being slashed. And that's after months of program cutting, layoffs of state workers, and raising of whatever taxes and fees they could. And raises in tolls and the gas tax is on the horizon.
But the $850,000 of taxpayer money for the Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth (see #1 above) continues to be safe. The top politicians in Massachusetts, particularly the Governor, continue to stand by it, in deference to their allies in the homosexual lobby. It's become a sacred cow. It's madness.
As we've reported, we've talked to the Governor's office and his budget staff. They won't budge. "We support it," they've all told us.
Does this bother you? The Governor is the one who ultimately decides what get's cut in this budget crisis.
Contact the Governor's office -
Don't let them get away with this.
Unless you make your voice heard - they won't hear it!
Gov. Deval Patrick:
Phone: 617-725-4006
Governor's office contact page.