Here's the State House News Service report of the Massachusetts Senate's action on Monday, Dec. 22, 2008.
NOTE: Only 3 members present:

CONVENES: The Senate convened at 11 am, Sen. Timilty presiding. Sens. Hedlund and Petruccelli were present. Senators and guest recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
ARLINGTON – RETIREMENT SYSTEM: The Senate ordered to third reading and engrossed H 4140 to extend the retirement system funding schedule and providing for the deposit of certain funds into the post-employment benefit trust fund of Arlington.
LINCOLN HISTORICAL COMMISSION: The Senate ordered to third reading and engrossed H 4760 that the board of selectmen of the town of Lincoln be authorized to appoint alternate members to the historical commission of said town.
NEEDHAM PARKING: The Senate ordered to third reading and engrossed H 5000 that the town of Needham be authorized to establish an off-street parking fund for certain business districts in the central area of said town.
VETERANS BENEFITS: The Senate agreed to a House extension order granting the Veterans Committee until Wednesday, Dec. 31 to act on H 5146 relative to the benefits payable to certain veterans of the armed forces.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FEES: The Senate enacted S 801 regarding fees for justices of the peace.
WORCESTER CONVEYANCE: The Senate enacted S 2838 conveying certain property in the city of Worcester to Community Healthlink Inc.
SICK LEAVE BANK – SHARON BRADY: The Senate enacted S 2891 establishing a sick leave bank for Sharon Brady.
BEACON HILL ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION: The Senate enacted H 3269 relative to voting by alternate members of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission in the city of Boston.
MEDFORD BRIDGE: The Senate enacted H 4962 to designate a certain bridge in the city of Medford as the Sergeant Anthony P. Annino Bridge.
MWRA: The Senate ordered to third reading S 2864 to clarify the MWRA retirement system. The bill was reported to the floor from Ways and Means.
CREDIT UNION CONVERSIONS: The Senate ordered to third reading H 1106 relative to the conversion of credit unions to federal charters. The bill was reported to the floor from Ways and Means.
CORRECTIVE CHANGES TO LAWS: The Senate suspended rules, ordered to third reading and engrossed legislation making corrective changes to certain general and special laws. The bill was introduced as a communication of the counsel of the House and Senate under Section 53 of Chapter 3. A bill number was not read. Clerks after the session said the bill had received the number S 2895.