Major corporations, top politicians supporting "Gay Pride Week 2008 " activities in Boston
Starting today (Friday) at noon with raising of homosexual flag over Boston City Hall.
Friday, June 6, 2008
What do Verizon, Bank of America, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Borders Bookstore, Macy's, Hyatt-Regency Boston, the City of Boston, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Poland Spring, Pepsi, and Starbucks have in common?
They're all financially supporting a nine-day public tribute to homosexual excess and depravity in Boston over the next week. It starts today at noon when Boston Mayor Thomas Menino holds a solemn ceremony to raise the homosexual rainbow flag over Boston City Hall.
It includes a self-proclaimed "Dyke March" through the streets of Boston that has in the past featured sexually obscene signs and shirtless "transgender" women who have had their breasts removed. This time it will also include a homosexual mockery of Catholicism at Border's bookstore, a homosexual "pride day" at Fanueil Hall, the big Gay Pride parade with prominent politicians and flaming homosexual floats, and more.
It's basically a week of government and corporations submitting to the in-your-face, we-re-here-we're-queer desires of homosexual movement. And why not? It's the easy way out. Who do you suppose they're more afraid of -- the activists, or you?
Official List of events - Boston Gay Pride Week
Corporate sponsors - Boston Gay Pride Week

A scene from last year's Gay Pride Week in Boston