Massachusetts Governor degrades self and insults state, marching in depraved homosexual parade.
Very disturbed people playing out serious issues. This is the "gay" movement in Massachusetts.
July 2, 2008
It was the "Gay Pride Parade" in downtown Boston. If you had stood across the street from the Massachusetts State House on June 14, 2008 this is what you would have seen coming down the street. Normal people would not do what you're about to see. But this is the essence of the homosexual movement. These people have serious psychological issues.
Here are 21 minutes of this bizarre public demonstration -- including our Governor -- as they march in front of the State House (and afterwards). |
Scroll down and you'll see our governor in the midst of all this. He degraded himself and insulted all of us by participating in this disturbing event.
(More photos and video also to be posted.)
"Queerspawn" are children of homosexual parents. (Imagine holding a sign like this about your parents.) Sadly, there were lots of young people in this parade. |
Men dressed as women were throughout the parade. They seemed to love getting their pictures taken. The main thing that goes through your mind is that these are very troubled people. |
This is a group that inflicts pain on each other for sexual pleasure. Note the leather lash is their logo. Man on the left is carrying lash with beads that rip your skin. |
The star of the "New England Leather Alliance" contingent was "Mr. Northeast Leather Sir." Sir is what you call someone when he's whipping you. |
Next came this group, a more extreme para-military version of the leather alliance. According to their web site, the Bay State Marauders were formed in the back room of The Ramrod, a homosexual bar in downtown Boston. |
Grand Marshall of the Bay State Marauders. Note the nipple rings and open trousers. |
Immediately following, para-military Bay State Marauders marched with a giant black-and-blue flag . . . apparently celebrating the results of their bondage and torture practices. |
At left, holding corner of Marauders' flag, black gloves add an interesting touch. At right, riding on the Bacardi Rum float immediately following, these men were simulating homosexual sex acts (see our upcoming video for footage of this).
Then, after the Bay State Marauders and the Bacardi Rum float, marched His Excellency, Governor Deval Patrick and his family.
The Governor marched by, wearing gay pride week button and waving to crowd. He was certainly a media star today! |
Walking with the governor was his wife (right) and daughter (in Smith College shirt). Daughter was being cheered for her recent claim that she's now a "lesbian", which was celebrated by the Boston media. We don't want to know what "live united" on wife's gay pride t-shirt is all about. |
When the governor saw us he made the "thumbs-up" sign. |
Right after the Governor, condoms were being passed out to the crowd. (He even has a condom necklace.) Maybe there's a subliminal message here about what the Governor is doing to the state. |
Following the governor came this strange group of women. |
What do you suppose is going through this woman's mind? |
Then came . . . well . . . these men. Who knows - maybe they're high school teachers or State House staff members during the week. Very disturbed people.
Well, there's a lot here for this "proud trans family" to rise above, that's for sure! |
Independent pagans?
Man in robes at far left appears to be their high priest.
On banner: "All acts of love and pleasure are her [pagan goddess's] rituals." |
Here is what a parade like this attracts. If the governor is looking for votes, he's come to the right place. |
At the festivities following the parade this troubled young man entertained the crowd.
Man in green I-heart-sperm shirt has probably seen it all before, we'd bet. |