Gov. Mitt Romney's office and Governor's Commission for Gay and Lesbian Youth promoting huge gay / transsexual youth rally and march in Boston on Saturday, May 13. Followed by gay youth "prom" at Boston City Hall.
Why does Gov. Romney allow this phony "Commission" of hard-core homosexual activists to continue to prey on vulnerable kids in the laughable name of "safety." (And does he mention this in South Carolina?)
[WARNING: Some of the pictures and descriptions below are gross and disgusting.]
You would think that politicians running for President would stay away from this stuff, especially after the hideous scene we recorded last year. But noooo.
This Saturday, May 13, the Governor's Commission for Gay and Lesbian Youth, along with one of the most disgusting and dangerous homosexual groups which targets kids, is holding a rally (if you can call it that) in downtown Boston, followed by a march through the streets of Boston. Depraved does not really do this justice. Homosexual activist adults persuade kids from schools across the state to come, and they are encouraged to act out, meet other kids and adults, and parade their (real or perceived) homosexuality, transsexuality, whatever.
CLICK HERE to read the official press release from the Governor's office. It starts out:
"In celebration of their lives and diversity, gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) youth and their supporters will gather by the
thousands to kick off Massachusetts' 12th annual Youth Pride on Saturday, May 13th at noon on Boston Common. . . Scheduled events-hosted by drag king Heywood Wakefield (Aliza Shapiro). . ."
When they say they want to celebrate "gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgender and queer youth" they aren't kidding.
At last year's Governor's Commission Youth Pride event. This boy calls himself "Foxy Cleopatra". (Posted on BAGLY website.)
For his weekend's festivities, Governor's Commission is teaming with BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Gay and Lesbian and Transgender Youth), a "youth" organization which is run by a man dressed as women and specializes in coaching kids to cross-dress and "feel" they're the opposite sex, and to eventually consider medical operations to "change" themselves.
(And when BAGLY isn't doing kids' parades, here's what else they do. CLICK HERE for BAGLY's workshop at last year's GLSEN conference. And picture of the "woman" running BAGLY.)
(REALLY, REALLY DEPRAVED: Here's a link from BAGLY's website - to a site that tells about transgender operations. Yecccch!)
(And here's more on BAGLY's leader from our MassResistance Blog.)
And. . . CLICK HERE for our pictures from last year's parade.
You've got to see this to believe it -- and imagine that a visitor to Boston that day would see this marching down the streets!

are boys dressed as girls at last year's "prom" at Boston City Hall. Photo from BAGLY.
And right after the parade, kids are encouraged to attend BAGLY's gay / transgender "prom" at Boston City Hall (courtesy of Mayor Menino), featuring boys who are encouraged to dress and act as girls. Last year the college students who went in to look around for us got physically sickened by what they saw, and they refuse to go back.
This year's parade will add to the fun. . .
This year, they decided to include some antique cars in the Youth Parade, for kids to ride in.
So who did they invite to supply the cars? But of course: the Yankee chapter of the "Lambda Car Club" (LCC). Known as "Boys and their Toys", this is their logo, prominently displayed on their website.
What a great way for the Governor's Commission to introduce kids to antique cars!
Deep Dickollective. The "headline act" at this year's Youth Pride event is an Oakland-based
"queer hop-hop group" called Deep Dickollective. (What a great message for kids!) Here's a description of one of their performances in the San Fransisco Bay Guardian:
A thunderous, distorted breakbeat rolls through the theater, and the audience – here for the mostly tame "Fresh Meat" queer arts series – is no longer smiling. The naked ass of Pointfivefag (Juba Kalamka) is all greased up, and he's rubbing it fast, with his back facing the audience. The only item of clothing covering his torso is a green Starbucks apron that reads, "I Am the Star Buck." He takes large, exaggerated steps across the bleakly lit stage, mic in hand, shouting, "Don't let niggers call you faggot / Don't let faggots call you nigger." The waiflike G-Minus (Ralowe Trinitrotoluene Ampu) stands motionless center stage, his mouth bound with tape, and his butt covered in a thin, sad-looking pair of boxers. 25percenter (Tim'm T. West), draped in a T-shirt that reads "Mandingo," joins Pointfivefag's chant and struts left, where he breaks into a flawless head spin. "Don't let niggers call you faggot / Don't let faggots call you nigger."
And there's more. . . hardcore transsexual activist Gunner Scott, who runs a website with bizarre "trans" chatrooms, will be receiving an award for her/his (?) "courage". (We're not making this up.) The website is -- this is where the "commission" wants kids to go.
Who's on the Governor's Commission?
Interestingly, their website, has mysteriously stopped working.
But here's a profile of one of the Commission's "youth" members, on the "Bay Windows" website.
Activists using Commission's "official" status to raise even more money to get your kids.
Apparently the hundreds of thousands of dollars of your tax money isn't enough for the Governor's Commission to effectively spread their "message" to your kids. They've formed a tax-deductible non-profit named "Friends of the Governor's Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth" to raise even more money for their destructive activities -- all under the Orwellian umbrella of "safety for our children." Right. Some safety!
Their website is but at this writing, most of it is mysteriously not accessible. However, on their "Links" page, their Number One link is . . . BAGLY!

Sunset Soiree: On Thursday evening, May 11, a VERY swank fundraiser was held on the rooftop ballroom of the exclusive Omni Parker House in downtown Boston -- riding the coattails of their "official" status to bring in pro-gay high rollers. This is the event list of the Omni Parker House for that day.
And who are some of the corporate donors to "Friends of the Governor's Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth"?:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky Popeo (law firm)
Greater Boston Business Council
Coldwell Banker Residential Mortgage
Tiffany & Co. of Chestnut Hill
Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston
Wyndham Hotel, Boston
More links from the various Youth Pride websites:
The Mass. Youth Pride Website, with this weekend's stuff.
BAGLY website.
HERE are some of the national groups behind this.
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